The I and The Daily Mail

The IThe Daily Mail
When were they first introduced? 26th October 2010 4th May 1896 
 Are they part of a bigger organisational structure? Originally set up as a sister paper to the Liberal newspaper the independent. Eventually the paper and its website were bought by the Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT) on 29 November 2019, for £49.6 million. Started by Viscount Rothermere and Viscount Northcliffe and the newspaper ownership has been handed down over generations to Jonathan Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere today. Published by the Daily Mail and General Trust Media company (DMGT).
Are they known for a particular political perspective? The Viewpoints that the I expresses usually align with Centrist or left wing (liberal) political views. The Daily Mail is a right wing newspaper
What kind of journalism do they produce? What is their USP? What stories do they specialise in? News and information focused in a broadsheet style.A middle-market newspaper so entertainment and news focused.
What kind of people run the paper? Produce the stories?The Daily Mail and General Trust, the Company that owns the Daily Mail newspaper, bought the I newspaper in 2019. The editor is Oliver Duff, a 38 year-old British Journalist educated at Cambridge, so he is smart and well-off. With the youngest editor of a UK national newspaper, Duff is likely to include less conservative views as younger people are generally more liberal. Jonathan Harmsworth, the great-grandson of one of the founders, owns the Daily mail, but the editor is Geordie Greig, a 59 year-old British Journalist educated at Eton and Oxford. With an older editor and a powerful owner supervising the newspaper, the views are more likely to be conservative as that ideology provides the upper classes try to preserve their power, by maintaining their social and economic positions. 
Do they have a similar readership reach? As of October 2019, the Daily circulation of the I was 221,083. The main target audience is mostly middle class people that do not have a lot of time so the paper is to the point.The Daily Mail circulates 1,158,192 copies, currently the most successful UK newspaper in terms of circulation. The daily mail’s main target audience is the lower middle class, or C1.
Do they have a similar readership profile / target audience? Targets upper middle class.Targets lower middle class with conservative views.
How are they currently doing? Increasing or decreasing sales and revenue? The circulation dropped from 233,869 in Feb 2019 to 221,083 in Oct 2019.The Daily Mail overtook The Sun (Murdoch’s Dynasty) as the UK’s best selling newspaper in June 2020.
How are they looking to embrace new media technologies? The I has a website but they mainly focus on physical copies of their newspapers.The Daily Mail has a the MailOnline (there website). They also have multiple social media accounts that target a younger audience (Snapchat stories 12.6 million subscribers)
Do they have a similar layout and design? It is a compact (broadsheet quality in a tabloid format) format newspaper.It is a tabloid (smaller than a broadsheet) middle-market newspaper, meaning it covers a mix of news and entertainment. 

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