B.F. Skinner – Operant conditioning

“The fiction of free will?”

Schedule of reinforcement

Harold Lasswell, Propaganda Technique in the world war (1927)

‘injected into the veins’ ‘a subtle poison’

propaganda is overtly political and manipulative. Persuasion is subsequently revealed as invidious

Shoshana Zuboff – Emerging behavioural control technology (mobile phones).

Uncovering Cambridge Analytica – Alexander Nix

Will Hazell (Who) wrote that “People want schools and nurseries open in second lockdown” (Message). This was written in the i newspaper (Medium). This message is read by the readers of the i (Receiver). The effect of the message would be that people understand that children need schools and nurseries open. (Effect)

Shannon and Weaver in 1949 (Transmission model of Communication)

Paul Lazerfeld – Two step flow of communication. Social media influencers. messages are not directly injected into the audience. those who interpret media messages first and then relay them back to a bigger audience. The role of key individuals in society, teachers, doctors, trade union leaders, your boss at work, parents, friends and family all of whom are capable of exerting an influence on the process of communication, making it subject to bias, interpretation, rejection, amplification, support and change.

Audiences are active, who should they listen to, who should they believe.

Uses and Gratifications – Education, Entertainment, Social interaction, identity, escapism. Personal needs and social needs. what does media do to people? what do people do with media?

Maslows hierarchy of needs. Self actualization, Esteem, Love/belonging, Safety, Psychological.

George Gerbner – Cultivation Theory examines the long-term effects of television. Changing behaviour overtime.

Chomsky and Althusser tell us that companies do the exact same thing.

Theory of preferred reading – Stuart Hall. Talks about how you don’t have to believe everything you are told. A dominant position accepts the dominant message. A negotiated position both accepts and rejects the dominant reading. An oppositional position rejects the dominant reading

Clay Shirky – There isn’t such a thing as audience, there are only individuals.

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