Audience Thoery/ Social Behaviour CSP 12

BF Skinner, operant conditioning

Automatic Reward

“The fiction of freewill”

The difference of Propaganda and Persuasion. Propaganda is overtly manipulative where as Persuasion is Covert and is used in subtle ways.

Harold Lasswell, Theory about audience behavior. Wrote the pook “Propoganda in war”. Talks about the poison” BEING INJECTED INTO THE VEINS//// Hyperdermic model= we have a passive audience fed by the media.

Zuboff= conditioning people/ new technology stimulates new behavior. New technology makes new methods to control behavior.

Cambridge analytica Alexander Nix

  • Who? Article by Barbra Jones
  • Says what? Rhinos were butchered by a poaching epidemic because an animal reserve lost millions because a lack of tourism
  • Channel? l was a Newspaper of the Daily Mail
  • To Whom? to viewers of the daily mail ( A right winged bias paper)

Paul Lazarfield suggests that a linear model may not be difficult to understand the message sent to the message received. In 1948 he developed the two-step flow model of communication. This suggests a message isn’t directly absorbed by the audience. This means it’s filtered through opinion leaders who interpret media and then feed it back to a bigger audience

The Theory of preferred reading. same time as Stuart Hall looked to analyse mass media communication and popular culture to work to uncover invidious work and big businesses.

Clay Shirky end of audience. Radical view

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