audience theory

H.F Skinner (Operant conditioning) – no person has free will, schedule of reward is shown in his study, the fiction of free will means that an individual believes their actions determine an outcome whereas in reality the causes for these outcomes are external factors.

Propaganda is a manipulative and influential way of expressing opinions based on a authorities or publishers interests.


Harold Lasswell – Involved in WW1, wrote a book called “Propaganda technique in the world war” this book highlighted the “subtle poison” injected into the veins of staggering people until they are knocked into submission.

Hypodermic model – Suggest that we have a passive audience that are spoon fed by the media, relates to direct injection.

The Age of Surveillance, by Shoshana Zuboff explain that behaviour control technology is linked with conditioning, “technology has begun to develop new methods off behavior controlcapable of not just altering just an individuals actions nut his very personality and manner of thinking… the behavoural technology being developed in the United States today touches upon the most basic sources of individuality

Cambridge Analytica, Alexnder Nix is the leader

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