audience theories

-Bf Skinner: Operant Conditioning- Suggests we don’t have a free will ‘the fiction of free will’ – he’s deterministic suggesting that the environment has an effect on our behaviour and other outside factors are the reasoning for our behaviour making us not responsible for what we do.

-Schedule of reward- Instant gratification

Propaganda and Persuasion

Harold Lasswell- Involved in 1st world war- ‘Subtle Poison’ something injected into the veins of people

Hypodermic Model- Suggests we have a passive audience, spoon fed by media

Shoshana Zuboff- Speaks about behaviour management to persuade people to interact with certain types of behaviour

Cambridge Analytica-Alexander Nix

Early theoretical work on the relationship (or effects) of media consumption are often traced back to Harold Lasswell, who developed the theoretical tool of ‘content analysis’ and in 1927 wrote Propaganda Technique in the World War.

Shannon Weaver-1949- Developed and Criticized that model^– Maybe the message won’t go through ‘noise’-

Paul Lazerfeld-1948- 2 Step Flow– Tell one person they then tell other people- Those who interpret media messages first and then relay them back to a bigger audience.

Uses and Gratifications- Katz, Gurevietch, Haas- (1973)

Cultivation Theory- George Gerbner and Larry Gross and others worked on a large-scale, positivist, in-depth, longitudinal study into the effects of television, which started in 1975.

The Theory of Preferred Reading- Stuart Hall– Was developing a critical theory that looked to analyse mass media communication and popular culture as a way of both uncovering the invidious work of the State and Big Business, as well as looking for ways of subverting that process.

Clay Shirky-The End of Audience– To bring this summary of different audience approaches towards a conclusion, would be to look at Clay Shirky‘s notion of the end of audience. Because what could happen if, instead of the choice of three subject positions as offered by the theory of preferred reading, there were limitless, individual subject positions available to all of us, at any time, in any place, from any perspective?

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