Audience theories

OPERANT CONDITIONING – B.F Skinner – “the fiction of free will?” We decide to do something because the idea has already been planted in our minds by someone/something else. Free will is an illusion.

Propaganda vs persuasion

Propaganda – overtly political and manipulative

Persuasion – concealment, strategy and manipulation

Harold Lasswell – Propaganda Technique in the World War (1927) – highlighted “subtle poison”

Shoshana Zuboff – behaviour management – persuading people to engage in certain types of behaviour

We can connect with media messages through one-to-one communication

Individuality and personal freedom vs behaviour modification – “the behavioural technology being developed in the United States today touches upon the most basic sources of individuality and the very core of personal freedom…”

Cambridge Analytica – Alexander Nix – influences people through adverts on social media

Hypodermic model (passive consumption) – model proposes a clear linear (maybe even altered) connection between a message sent > message received

Paul Lazarfeld said that a simple, linear model may not be sufficiently complex to understanding the relationship between message sent > message received. Lazarfield developed the Two Step Flow model for communication, which took account of the way in which mediated messages are not directly injected into the audience.

Katz – Uses and Gratifications theory

Escapism, social interaction, educate and inform, identification

Maslow – Hierarchy of Needs

Self actualization, esteem, love and belonging, safety, physiological

Cultivation theory – effects over time…

George Gerbner and Larry Gross developed this theory that notes the distinct characteristics of television in relation to other media forms. They suggest that “television cultivates from infancy the very predispositions and preferences that sued to be acquired from other primary sources.”

Theory of preferred reading…

  1. A dominant position accepts the dominant message
  2. A negotiated position both accepts and rejects the dominant reading
  3. An oppositional position rejects the dominant reading

Stuart Hall suggested we can reject media messages.

Clay Shirky – the end of audience

No mass audience, only a large group of individuals

The I and Daily Mail ownership – Daily Mail and General Trust

Conclude and summarise

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