high order thinking

Jurgen Habermas proposed the theory of the public sphere. This theory suggests a free space where access to relevant information affecting the public good is widely available, , where discussion is free of domination and where all those participating on public debates do so in an equal basis”.

Both papers support Habermase’s theory due to the wide range of news information that serve the public interest. This allows all generations to interact with certain aspects of the news information and freely discuss the information. In relation to The i and The daily mail both papers support 2 different political parties. For example, Th I is more Liberal they do not openly support a particular party. The paper itself is run by free press and runs more as a public watch dog which regulates free press. Where as The daily mail is right wing they support the conservatives and is not as central as The I.


Habermas theorised the concept of the free press whereby the media and the press should be free from interference and bias, ownership and political control. He argued that the newspaper should be made by the people for the people in ‘coffee house culture’ and deliver factual and unbiased accounts.

Elements of this are evident in the ‘I Newspaper’ and in its struggle for a just and égalitarisme society. ‘Do you want the good news or the bad news?’. This interrogative headline of the 19th October 2020 edition illustrates the newspapers values.

As a liberal free press, unlike the sensationalist and inaccurate account of science and medical research in order often seen in the Daily Mail newspaper, the I strives to give through and factual accounts of current affairs, not withholding or exaggerating issues in order to increase sales currently set at 221083. This is seen as the headline offers facts from both sides of the argument in order to deliver the truth to the audience despite the outcome as it is not corrupt or influenced by political control.

This links to Habemas as it draws on his concept of free press. The I is a liberal free press, that seeks to deliver facts and true accounts to the audiences, free from bias and political control.

high order thinking

Gramsci talks about the theory of Hegemony. this focuses on the idea that the view of the upper class in society has the power to influence and manipulate mass audiences. Their view becomes the cultural ‘norm’.

In relation to the daily mail, it is a newspaper, which is owned by a ruiling class family. Wikipedia states that the daily mail is a unreliable source, as their aim is to simply sell their newspapers, to create profit. So, the use of front on the front paper is normally in black large, bold writing, making it more likely to sell, as it is eye catching.

So, linking back to gramscis theory, the rich (Lord Rothermere) creates a story, in order to manipulate and influence the mass audience

Habermas and the concept of the Public Sphere

What is the theory? Habermas believed democracy depended on the public and came up with the theory of the public sphere which is where individuals can come together to freely discuss and identify societal problems and form a public opinion.

Evidence from CSP’s? The i newspaper is politically liberal/centrist. This means it slightly favours left but is still mostly unbiased compared to other uk newspapers as centrism is a political outlook that involves acceptance or support of social equality. The editor, Oliver Duff has articles which mostly focus on global issues or straightforward unbiased political news. For example an article: We can find opportunities for common ground in adversity by supporting businesses safely after lockdown.

Interpretation: This applies to Habermas and the public sphere, because it focuses on delivering unbiased news, therefore the public can come together and form their own opinion without being persuaded into having a different political view. Another way in which the public sphere is represented in the i is that there is no set target audience which is more inclusive of the whole public instead of focusing on one group of people.

Chomsky, I, The Daily Mail

Chomsky proposed the theory of the five filters of consent what is the process that the media goes through to control and manipulate the public. Firstly is scale then Advertising, sourcing mass media, flacking, and finally Common enemy.

Let’s look at firstly Scale as the first filter of manufacturing consent in Chomsky theory the ideology of scale is how powerful, how influential it is, For example, The “i” and the Daily Mail, The daily mail owns The “i” and when we look at the daily mail scale we can see patterns of power. The Daily Mail in 2016 made revenue of 1.6 billion pounds with 9,600 employees (in 2014) so they are quite a powerful company as they have a large number of people working for them with a high amount of revenue made.


Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky came up with the 5 filters of manufacturing consent. These 5 filters are financial ownership, advertising, sourcing news, flak and ideology. These 5 filters should be visible in mass communication media, which includes newspapers, radio, TV and advertising. In this instance, we are going to apply the 5 filters to the Daily Mail and the I newspaper.

The first filter of the manufacturing consent is financial ownership. In this instance, the Daily Mail is a conglomerate who contributes towards the monopoly of Murdoch’s News Corp UK, which have subsidiaries including the Daily Mail, The Sun, The Sunday Times and The Mail on Sundays. While these are huge newspaper corporation that publish the most popular newspapers within the UK, the Daily Mail bought out the I for £49.6 million. This is significant because while the I is a smaller, independent newspaper, the Daily Mail is very popular and famous, therefore by buying out the smaller newspapers, they can bring brand loyalty and encourage the Daily Mail readers to purchase the I, meaning they will generate more revenue.

However, while the Daily Mail and the I are owned under the Daily Mail General Trust (DMGT), it is apparent that these newspapers source their information very contrastingly. For example, the Daily Mail has had a load of controversy and has been removed as a reliable source from Wikipedia because they rely on media sensationalism and using inaccurate headlines in order to bring in customers to buy their newspaper, however the I is very different in the fact that although it is owned under the DMGT, it hasn’t been classes as controversial and instead has a reputation for having accurate information and therefore haven’t received backlash for media sensationalism and what some call ‘fake news’. What’s also different is that they have very contrasting political views, even though they are under the same company. The Daily Mail is very right-wing politically aligned and support the Conservative Party. However, the I contrasts this by being left-wing politically aligned and supporting the Labour Party. The way these 2 newspapers contrast each other and are differently politically aligned could be a marketing strategy by having a newspaper that’s left winged and one right winged in order to attract more consumers because they are differentiating from other newspapers, which usually will stick to one politically aligned viewpoint.

Another one of the 5 filters’s flak. Flak is when you have a negative viewpoint towards something in the media. An example of Flak in the Daily Mail was in 2016, with the election of the new Prime Minister. The Daily Mail was heavily supporting Teresa May, a Conservative, yet had a negative viewpoint towards Jeremy Corbyn (Labour). One example of this was their use of support such as their masthead “Your tactical voting guide to boost the Tories and Brexit”. However, the I juxtaposes this viewpoint held by the Daily Mail and instead was showing support for Corbyn and the Labour Party and tried to create a negative viewpoint towards Theresa May and the Conservative Party.

Habermas; High order thinking:

Habermas theorized that the media and the press should be free from interference and bias, ownership and political control. It was his belief that the media should deliver unbiased and factual news accounts. Habermas also believed that democracy depends on the public, and how individuals can come together to freely discuss and form an opinion. The fact that The I is known to be slightly left-wing, yet is not prone to speaking out politically often, is able to identify with Habermas with the fact that the press should be free from political control. However, The Daily Mail is commonly known to be a right-wing leaning, conservative newspaper so this is an opposing viewpoint. In 2019, The Daily Mail posted the headline “he`s done his duty. Now MPs must do theirs” in reference to Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson. This headline regards Boris as a sort of hero, in a positive light that reflects well on the Prime Minister and furthermore his values. This is a contrast to Habermas belief as you could say that they are showing favor to the Conservative party.

Daily Mail

The Daily Mail is a national daily tabloid newspaper that has historical, social, cultural and political significance. The i and the Daily Male operate within contrasting political and economic contexts with clear differences in style, address, ideological viewpoint and target audience.

The Daily Mail, launched in 1896 offers many opportunities for studying the relationship between ownership patterns, economic factors and political viewpoints. The history of the Daily Mail provides many examples of the paper’s political influence including some high-profile clashes between the paper and its political opponents.

In the context of declining print sales for all newspapers, the Daily Mail has been relatively successful, particularly by embracing the opportunities of digital technology, adjusting its style to an evolving target readership and by adopting popular campaigns.

Interestingly, in 2017 Wikipedia banned the Daily Mail as ‘unreliable’ source (along with Fox News, Russia Today and others)

It launched Daily Mail Online in 2003. It is also known as dailymail.co.uk. It is a division of DMG Media, which is owned by Daily Mail and General Trust plc. It is the most visited English-language newspaper website in the world, with over 11.34m visitors daily in August 2014.Globally the site was forecast to reach £60m in advertising sales in the year to September 2014, up 49%. £35m has been invested in creating the site. The site has introduced sponsored articles, with a guarantee of 450,000 page views at a cost of £65,000 per article

Previously, there was an attempt to call into question the integrity of the website’s journalism after NewsGuard’s feature which is designed to fight what it describes as ‘fake news’, Microsoft Edge warned users against trusting content at the site, asserting that “this website generally fails to maintain basic standards of accuracy and accountability” and “has been forced to pay damages in numerous high-profile cases”. This warning has since been removed with Newsguard apologizing saying We were wrong. Also, stating that the website “generally maintains basic standards of accuracy and accountability”

high order thinking


Daily mail advertises products which are ideal for their audience to consume eg a cruise advert within paper, as they have an an older audience this product reaches to them as generally older retired people go on cruses. This ties into one of the 5 filters of manufacturing consent, the role of advertising.

Daily Mail: new editor and new 'enemies of the people'

Another one of the 5 filters of manufacturing consent is seen as the common enemy. This can be seen in this front cover as they are seen to be targeting the left wing and rallying their readers against those who disagree with May’s actions, this is because the newspaper supports the conservatives.

Johnston Press CEO Ashley Highfield talks about the relaunch of the i  newspaper - Business Insider

The I also uses advertising to reach to their readers, in this front cover you can see a large advert for a holiday destination. this shows that the newspaper isn’t trying to hid there ads as you can clearly see a big advertisement as soon as you see the paper, it shows that they are very clearly interested in feeding into consumer culture.


Both newspapers share differing opinions into the public sphere, for example the daily mail supports the right wing so puts out news which supports these views therefore influencing their audience where as the I takes a more centralist view therefore nether sides with the left or ring wing which means there news is more impartial and is a more reliable source when influencing consumers opinions in the public sphere.


Althussar’s ideas of isa is that the state uses media to form peoples views of the world. This can be seen in the daily mail when Boris Johnson is presented as having done a good job with a Brexit deal, this benefits the state as it gives the public confidence in the government whereas in reality the Brexit deal that Boris Johnson got wasn’t much different to the deal Theresa May got previously. This then forms the public opinion differently to what it may have been without the positive reinforcement form the daily mail.

Daily Mail U.K. en Twitter: "Friday's @DailyMailUK #MailFrontPages… "

The I also influences peoples opinions however the newspaper is less bias as they take a centralism stance which means they don’t directly favour one side of the government unlike the daily mail which means that they aren’t as influential.


As Curran describes the media as a public watchdog, this can be seen in the I as they offer a non bias critical view into the government which allows the state to be criticised and held accountable. This can be seen in this front cover as they are seen to be criticising the tories for cutting labours funding, it is important that these issues are shared through media outlets otherwise the public would not know about the conservatives attempts to gain more power and control. The public should be informed in such matters in order to make an educated decision when voting.

Johnston Press in talks to buy i newspaper | The Northern Echo


Seaton discusses the theory of public service which refers to the BBC which is a public service broadcasting institution, both the daily mail and the I are not public service institution as they are both owned by the daily mail and general trust. this means that they feed into capitalist media as the generate revenue through advertisements. The owner of these newspapers also have massive influence into what is published and therefore what influences the public opinion.


Gramsci holds the idea of hegemony and the hegemonic struggle that some people face. This idea of hegemonic struggle can be seen in the daily mail. In this front cover of the newspaper it is seen to be focusing on Theresa may and Nicola surgeons legs rather than their political views, this demonstrates some of the hegemonic struggles faced by women in a male dominated field such as politics, that media tabloids enhance this through articles which objectify woman in this way.

Daily Mail's 'Who won Legs-it!' headline draws scorn - BBC News

high order thinking – althusser


“All ideology hails or interpellates concrete individuals as concrete subjects, through the functioning of the category of the subject.” – 1971

Althusser said that society is structured to keep you in your place & coined the phrase ‘socially constructed’. The ruling ideology (the ideas of the ruling class) constructs us. He says we cant escape, we are interpellated in this system which relates to Orientalism since the ‘other’ do not have the power to represent themselves. Ideological state apparatus (ISA) describes all the things which have an impact on us & makes us who we are, the way society encodes you is called interpellation, it shapes us, forced to look & think

In the sense of The daily mail, they has had a lot of criticizing accusations made against them such as racism, sexism and blasphemous accusations as well as clearly supporting the conservative political party who are right wing, meaning they hold traditional values. In terms of the latter, to endorse the conservative party they published an article in 2013 which criticized Ralph Milliband, father of Ed Milliband – the then labor leader, titled “The Man Who Hated Britain”. In the article, the writer Geoffrey Levy attacked Ralph as he is a Jewish refugee from the Holocaust saying that “his son was determined to bring back socialism in homage to his father.” Levy also wrote “As for the country that gave him and his family protection, the 17-year-old wrote in his diary: ‘The Englishman is a rabid nationalist.'” Ed Miliband said that the article was “ludicrously untrue”.

This antisemitism view shows how the news tries to shape our opinion and this Daily Mail article tried to boost the conservative party so more people would vote for them as well as paint the Jewish in a negative light, relating to the fact that Althssur said that the ruling ideology constructs the ‘other’ who do not have the power to represent themselves. (Orientalism)