Habermas’ theory of the public sphere could be linked to both newspapers because they support the public sphere because they are newspapers. The public sphere is an area in social life where individuals can freely discuss societal problems. This links to the Daily Mail because newspapers get most of their news from sources who write into them who talk freely about issues gong on or their stories.

high order thinking

Chomsky– this links to manufacturing consent for example step 1 is ownership and this is clear with daily mail as it’s part of one large conglomerate DMGT, which owns several smaller companies like Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday and Metro and it’s even bought the I now for 49.6 million in November 2019 .

Step 2 is how the papers (Daily Mail and I) advertise the messages they want to spread within the paper, or for example ‘your tactical voting to boost the Tories and Brexit’, they can advertise and spread this message due to the fact they own several papers which are all owned by the DMGT therefore they can decide to advertise and spread messages promoting Brexit and cultivating the audience.

3 the media elite- these are the few bosses like Viscount Rothmore and he’s a supporter of the conservative party. Daily Mail was founded by Alfred Harmsworth and Harold Harmsworth. It’s the people at the top of company who get to decide what is posted and what’s in the paper and the editor is George Carron Greig who is an English journalist Greig supported the UK remaining in the EU in the June 2016 referendum as editor of The Mail on Sunday. He then shifted his stance to supporting Theresa May‘s withdrawal agreement. Greig was considered to have steered the Daily Mail in a pro-Remain direction, which has been criticised by his predecessor.

4- the flak is the people they go against and we know they’re conservatives so they’re against labor and democrats. Lastly, they are also the common enemy.

Habermas– the theory of the public sphere is evident in both papers, they both create a private space for people to meet and discuss common interests. For example, the conservative sided paper will allow other conservatives to meet and discuss their political issues as they share a common interest in them and they achieve this public sphere through the fact they have reading the paper in common.

Althusser– His theory of interpellation and ideological state apparatus can be applied to either paper. These papers are what shapes us into who we are and they construct an identity for us, i.e the papers may include things that shape our political views or tell us how to behave and cultivate us into behaving and believing the way they want us to through inter

High order thinking

Althusser- The Daily General Trust owns the Daily Mail and many others meaning the editor has control over many different platforms, this links to Althusser’s theory of ISA ( ideological status apparatus.) as the editor can create a dominant idea among the audience.

Habermas (public sphere)- Habermas’ theory can be applied to The I as it allows for the spread of information between the public without the government interfering. The public sphere is the idea of public opinions being shared among a society, where individuals can come together to form a ‘public’. For example

High Order Thinking

Habermas is a theorist who talks about the public sphere which is where everyone is involved and people can interact with each other freely. Democracy is important in the public sphere as it allows for people to have an opinion, and depends on an audience that is informed. Curran focuses on Habermas and the concept of the public sphere; this could be because Curran is interested in how the public keep their interest, and individuals can come together to discuss freely and identify societal problems. Media is said to be ‘free’ however it may not be free in reality if it’s owned by one person and essentially taking away that free will and power the public could have. The media and public sphere can be seen as a ‘watch dog’ which is a form of investigative journalism where journalists/authors/publishers of a news publication fact-check and interview political and public figures; this will increase accountability. This form of journalism often takes on a form of ‘beat reporting’ about specific issues as these are often considered valid and important to cover.

In some newspapers such as the i the editors produce what is considered to be of interest within the public which means they are taking into account what the public want and the public will be able to see what they want reflected in the newspaper.This is important with newspapers as if the public are interested in something, they will be more likely to engage with and read the articles. Most newspapers are now produced online which is good as this will make articles more accessible to everyone and people can have more of a say in what goes into the newspapers as everything will be online. This means people will be able to contribute to the stories that people read meaning there will be positive reinforcement, which means there will be an overall better customer satisfaction.

Habermas’ theory on the public sphere is important as it implies that the public’s opinions are needed in order for something to be successful and people can grow to enjoy the media more if there are topics that convey what the public want to actually see. There is a dominant ideology here as it’s implied that there can’t be good media without having the opinions of the public, as people won’t want to read or watch what is produced if it is of no interest to them.


Gramsci’s theory of hegemony focusses on the idea that the view of the ruling class in society (upper class) has the power to influence and manipulate mass audiences. Their view becomes the cultural ‘norm’.

Evidence from CSPs

The Daily mail has accusations of being racist, sexist and homophobic. A former Daily mail reporter, Brendan Montague, stated that “None of the front-line reporters I worked with were racist, but there’s institutional racism.”

This links heavily to Gramsci’s theory because institutional racism is know as racism that has become a norm in a culture or institution. With regards to The Daily mail the hegemony isn’t shown as manipulating a mass audience yet influencing the employees of the mail. Some would believe that the more this behaviour is supported in the working environment, the more it may start creeping into journalism seen inside the paper.

The idea of hegemonic views becoming societal norms links to Gerber’s cultivation theory. The more society is exposed to certain views the more they will normalise them.

Conglomerates such as The Daily Mail and general trust who own several newspapers including the i and Daily mail which both have a large readership have the power to influence more people than someone who owns less of the media. As well as this, if we consider the i, which is aimed at travellers and those with limited time, we can expect a large diversity of readership since it is often found in large travel hubs such as Gatwick airport. The Daily mail also has a larger readership not only because it is a well know newspaper but because it is known as a ‘middle market’ newspaper which means it provides entertainment as well as sport and news therefore caters to a wider audience.

The Daily mail is known to be a right winged supporting newspaper yet the i (which is owned by the same company) is know as centralist and liberalist.

Another example of hegemony within the print media is Evgeny Lebedev. He is the owner of Lebedev holdings ltd who owns the Independent (the former sister paper of the i). They also own the evening standard which is known to be conservative. This is due to Lebedev’s close relations with conservative leader Boris Johnson. Lebedev was nominated for a life peerage by Boris Johnson. The implication here being that Lebedev uses his power of influencing society to win Johnson more supporters in return for political power.

daily mail and the i: theories and theorists

Theory TheoristDaily Mailthe i
Manufacturing consentNoam ChomskyThe daily mail has been known to create news articles that are controversial and unreliable. The daily mail usually has at least one article that lies on the fringe of controversy, but throughout their article creates evidence to support their views. If readers can empathise with this small article, it may open up the possibility of accepting worse and more controversial articles. The Daily Mail has a more ‘gossip’ feel to it, and is not politically centrist on its opinions. This means that the Daily Mail is more likely to follow the Propaganda model. For example, the daily mail is more likely to participate in flak and anti-communism. The i and the daily mail are owned by the same corporation, which means that the i can, if willing, can slowly push more right wing content into its newspapers. This means that the passive reader is more likely to slowly, over time, accept this and their agenda change.
the Public SphereHabermas‘The Public Sphere’ refers to any public place of discussion of ideology

Theoretical position – Curran and Seaton 

The idea that the media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by the logic of profit and power. The idea that media concentration generally limits or inhibits variety, creativity and quality.  

The daily mail evidence –  

Owned by the daily mail and general trust – owns the daily mail, mail on Sunday, Metro, mail today and mail online.  

Political view – right wing/ supporting conservatives – meaning this political view will be represented throughout all the media forms owned and produced through DMGT.  

Jonathon Harmsworth is the aristocratic owner of the Daily Mail 

DMGT owned by Rothermere Continuation Limited – they can control all the right-wing news being released to the 2.2 million readerships daily.  

Overall, the news that is read by 2.2million people daily have the conservative view channeled through that all their different forms of media.  

the daily mail and the i: applying theories and theorists


There is evidence of Chomsky’s theory of manufacturing consent in both ‘The Daily Mail’ and ‘The i’, for example, ‘The Daily Mail’ owners have links with ‘the establishment’ (the UK government) and the prime minister of the UK Boris Johnson. it also provides evidence of uniting against a ‘common enemy’, the paper is known for having a right-winged biased view on politics and support the Conservative party so the ‘common enemy’ is the left-wing Labour party and many of their stories about politics will be exposing and ridiculing members of the labour party and creating a negative view on them whilst painting members of the conservative party in a good light. These factors help contribute to forming the readers of ‘The Daily Mail’s’ opinions on different political parties and can sway undecided voters to vote for the political party that the newspaper is backing in elections.


Evidence of Jurgen Habermas’ theory of the public sphere can be found in the newspaper ‘The i’. the theory of the public sphere suggests that there is an area in social life where people can freely discuss and identify social problems. ‘The i’ is a non-biased newspaper which focus’s on stories that focus on social issues and inequality, it is not politically aligned with a specific political party and allows its readers to make up their own minds about things such as politics and social and world issues.

HIgh Order Thinking

Althusser developed a theoretical concept called the Ideological State Apparatus, it is used to describe the way in which society is constructed. They form our individual subject identity, for example our friends and family influence our values. It is a structure in which we are full of ideas, values and beliefs. It is all to do with things that construct who we are, which include friends, family, school and also the government.

The editor of the Daily Mail (Geordie Greig) has previously been an editorial director of The Independent, The I, The Evening Standard and The Mail on Sunday. This shows that Greig has worked for newspapers of different political stances, The Daily Mail as right wing and The i as a more centralized political stance. Greig would’ve had to adapt his viewpoints and political stances based on which company he was working for. Greig had supported the UK remaining in the EU in 2016 as editor of The Daily Mail, but then shifted his stance in supporting May’s withdrawal agreement, he then doubled back on himself and was said to have steered The Daily Mail in a pro-remain direction.

This shows that newspapers are part of a ruling elite, whose main aim is consensus (to agree) in other words, Greig is going along in what his proprietors want. The Ideological state apparatus are fixed and are non-interchangeable – they are slowly shaping the publics viewpoints and identity in order to benefit themselves.