Higher order thinking

Noam Chomsky created the 5 filters that the media use to influence their audience like puppets. These filters are ownership, advertising, sourcing news, flak and ideology. 

Owning a declining newspaper company may loose you money. however the ownership and having control of the media will make you a valuable asset to the politician such as the owner of the I (Evgeny Lebedev) has backed Borris Johnson. This is a positive for Johnson because they will be critical of labour as a right wing news paper. Even though the I isn’t gaining profit Johnson could change some laws or policies in other industries to give Evgeny Lebedev profit or favourable policies. Evgeny Lebedev was nominated for a life peerage by Boris Johnson for his services to the British media industry and philanthropic work, including in wildlife conservation.

lebedev hashtag on Twitter

The I and Daily mail would advertise products that apply to it’s readership and demographic guaranteeing the advertiser would get an audience. on the left is the I which is advertising the latest model phone and on the left the daily mail is advertising middle class furniture.

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