Curran and ‘Freedom’


  • “Ensures that the press reflects a wide range of opinions and interests in society” – Covering all grounds and not discriminating against anything
  • “The market based press is independent because it owes allegiance only to the public” – Loyalty or commitment to a superior or to a group or cause, have the public’s best interest at heart
  • “The press’s autonomy enables it to fearlessly scrutinize government” – Independence or freedom, as of the will or one’s actions
  • “The Commission expected to to find that ‘the press as a whole gives an opportunity for all important points of view to be effectively presented in terms of the varying standards of taste’ ” – Not leaving anything out, not exclusive
  • “The assumption that ‘anyone’ is free to start a new paper has been an illusion ever since the industrialization of the press” – There isn’t really any ‘freedom’ and there are limitations


  • “It wanted a public service orientation, but not the framework of public regulation underpinning it”
  • “It favoured a more balanced, responsible approach, but saw merit in the free market tradition of outspoken comment” – Wanted things to be more equal but found something better that they could manipulate
  • “The sum total of their efforts was failed anti-monopoly legislation and ineffectual self-regulation”
  • “Publishers draped the mantle of freedom around their shoulders, and created doubt and uncertainty about the desirability of reform” – Wanted it in their personal best interest, took advantage of the ‘freedom’
  • “Public dissatisfaction with the press, registered periodically in opinion polls, continued to be high”
  • Two levels and three political economies of information
  • Economy (ownership) and Culture (public circulation of ideas)
  • Capitalist media: Big conglomerates, make money, media as a commodity
  • Public Service Media: Inform the public, put money back into the business, don’t want to make big profits but want to sustain, in public interest
  • Civil Society Media: Independent/niche, specific to something, little groups, e.g Parish newsletter

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