
Jurgen Habermas came up with the concept of The Public Sphere. This view says that the public can be persuaded to think in certain ways through the media. We can be influenced by the public sphere to all think in similar constructed ways.

Hegemony is a theory from Antonio Gramsci which states that people are in a tug of war for power. He suggests that we can change the way we think about things through culture. Hegemonic struggle is a situation in which countries or cultures experience roles of leadership which can dominate over others.

Louis Althusser describes ISA’s (Ideological State Apparatus) as a process in which we are structured into believing specific things that conform with the dominant ideology. This then eventually can influence us to think certain things about ourselves and our own personal identity.

James Curran & Jean Seaton introduced the theory of the liberal free press. ‘anyone is free to start a daily national newspaper, but few can afford even to contemplate the prospect’.the idea that everyone has the freedom to do whatever they want in theory, but in practice this is not always the case. For example, anyone can create a newspaper in theory but practically it isn’t always possible. Not everyone has the money or contacts in order to do so.

Noam Chomsky talks about manufacturing consent.He says that there are 5 different filters.

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