CSP 12 – Newspapers/ theorist recap

1- Jurgen Habermas – Public sphere = The idea that the media allow for wider demographics to connect and share ideas rather than ideas being mainly conveyed from socially higher powers such as government and royalty.

2 – James Curren and Jean Seaton – SYSTEM BASED UPON SUPPLY AND COMMAND (CONSUMER RATE) Free Market. the radical press, newspapers or print media that emphasises ideologies that are considered extreme or against dominant ideologies, was so influential that the backing of other daily newspapers may convey the idea of shared interests. In addition, the rise in costs of print media during the nineteenth century meant that there was large competition between newspaper enterprises. Information used by the press is free and transparent within the public domain. Free from politcal control (liberal, free, neutral, transparent press) Developed Habermasses ideas.

3 – Noam Chomsky – Manufacturing Consent – How the media can manipulate stories ideas and concepts in order to portray a feeling of agreement and consent. Manufacturing consent works in a similar, if not the same (modern) way as propaganda.

  • The five ‘filters’ of Manufacturing Consent’ –
  • 1) The size, concentrated ownership, owner wealth, and profit orientation of the dominant mass-media firms
  • 2) Advertising as the primary income source of the mass media
  • 3) The reliance of the media on information provided by government, business and ‘experts’ funded and approved by these primary sources and agents of power.
  • 4) ‘Flak’ as a means of disciplining the media
  • 5) ‘Anticommunism’ as a national religion and control mechanism. – common enemy

4 – Louis Althusser – Interpellation and Ideological State Apparatus – State institutions such as education, media and churches that were originally not under state control however more recently express ideas that the State or higher powers support.

  • The ruling class uses the repressive state apparatuses (RSA) to dominate the working class.
  • Ideological State Apparatus works differently, usinf non-violent methods in order to ‘maintain control’ or influence over a population

5 – Antonio Gramsci – Hegemonic Struggle – The struggle between the indepencdence of different groups and their identities. Hegemony – struggles between the rulling class and the lower classes.

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