Explanation on theories

Noam Chomsky, the 5 filters that manufacture consent

Noam Chomsky is an American linguist who primarily focused on the 3 filters that manufacture consent. These 5 factors include size/ownership/ profit orientation, the advertising license to do business, sourcing mass media news, flak and the enforcers and anti-communism/war on terror. These are important factors as they all allow people to stay on track and no go against what is considered ethical and okay relating to the propaganda model of communication. Manufacturing consent is important as it allows for the rules to be followed and at the time propaganda was an issue within society. ‘The link between ownership of news organisations and news coverage is not easy to determine’ , this could be because not all organisations actually follow the 5 filtors that manufacture consent.

Antonio Gramsci, the concept of hegemony / hegemonic struggle

Hegemony was a term that was previously used by Russian Marxists in order to denote the political leadership of the working-class in a democratic revolution and means leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others. A class cannot be formed/maintained solely through economic interests and advancements can’t be made with only this as other factors need to be included and not just economic interests as there is more to a class than just one thing; thee are various aspects needed in order to create and keep a class. Gramsci’s theory emphasised the importance of the political and ideological superstructure in both maintaining and fracturing relations of the economic base. Hegemony is important within society as it allows for some people to be ‘in charge’ and have the ability to be higher up than everyone else which would cause them to become a leader in a sense as people may look up to these people but a hegemony can’t be created if there aren’t other hierarchy’s or people involved.

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