Colonialism – the act of taking over another country politically, either fully or partially.
Post Colonialism – the study of the human consequences from the control of people and their land following being colonised.
Diaspora – a scattered population living in somewhere other than their place of origin. eg. the dispersion of Jews from Israel involuntarily.
BAME – Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (all ethnic groups except White groups).
Double Consciousness (Gilroy) – the internal conflict that a person feels living in a country that their ancestors are not from because of colonisation (African American). The conflict that people feel of not knowing which ethnicity they belong to.
Cultural Absolutism – the declaration of a societies culture to be of supreme ethical value.
Cultural Syncretism – when ideas from 2 or more cultures blend together to create a new custom.
Orientalism (Said) – style, artefacts or traits that are considered a characteristic of a certain place. eg. Asia is stereotyped in a way that is regarded as embodying a colonialist attitude.
Appropriation – the adoption of element of one culture by members of another culture.
Cultural Hegemony – the domination of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class who manipulate the culture of that society.
The Public Sphere (Habermas) – a virtual or imaginary community who basically mould peoples views and interests through the use of the media.
The Role of Public Service – the public reporting on events used to shape our cultures and define our national identities.
Broadcasting in terms of fair representation of minority groups/ interests – non-biased news that simply reports on news and tries to not take a specific viewpoint. eg. The I.