oh – csp10

‘Oh’ (‘previously called OhComely’) is part of a development in lifestyle and environmental movements of the early twenty first century which re branded consumerism as an ethical movement. Its representation of femininity reflects an aspect of the feminist movement which celebrates authenticity and empowerment. This magazine is produced by a small, independent company, Iceberg Press. They only own one other title, unlike other media companies who usually own multiple (conglomerate). It is not designed to be bought on shelves along with other mainstream magazines , it targets its niche audience online through subscriptions – this is reflected on their cover designs. There are clear echos of Bell Hooks’ (an American author, professor, feminist, and social activist) concepts through out the magazine, which can be seen through the absence of men. Instead the focus is on women as artists, entrepreneurs etc, this is an example of Gerbner’s symbolic annihilation (the absence of representation, or under representation, of some group of people in the media). There is androgynous elements on the front cover including the short hair and lack of make up – the model is not hyper-feminine or oversexualized like they are in other magazines. Gauntletts identity theory can also be applied to this CSP (fluidity, constructed, negotiated and collective) from his 2002 book “Media, Gender and Identity”. 

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