Oh used to be known as Oh Comely

Oh is part of a development lifestyle/environmental movements of the early 21st century which re-brand consumerism as an ethical movement

A representation of femininity = feminist movement, celebrates authenticity and empowerment

About 25,000 people read it, average age of readers are 27

The Oh magazine is published by Iceberg Press which is an independent media company, meaning they stand alone and don’t need help from other companies to publish

New technology means that small companies can use the internet to communicate/target audiences

Iceberg’s branding includes a commitment to print over other media forms and new strategies are presented for institutional development and creative working practice. They also suggest ways to keep print popular and relevant to date

The main representations implied by the magazine include gender, primarily femininity – focusing on creativity and quirkiness – but can also be understood in how this affects the representation of men – on creativity and quirkiness

Focus is on women as artists, entrepreneurs, athletes and female empowerment as a major theme, portraying the absence of men as a part of the representation of masculinity in Oh – showing how women don’t need men and they can stand alone

Theories of representation including Hall who is a cultural theorist and political activist

Oh Comely constructs a lifestyle through its focus on culture and the environment, this analysis would offer the opportunity to question some of the messages and values constructed by the magazine

Feminist theories which includes Bell Hooks (a feminist theory) and Van Zoonen (feminism and patriarchy theory)

Theories of gender performativity which includes Butler who is an American philosopher and gender theorist

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