CsP oh.

relationship between ownership, control, working practice, politics, representation and identity.

In contrast to Men’s Health magazine, Oh Comely is an independent magazine published by Iceberg Press, a small London publisher which publishes only one other title.

REPRESENTATION- able to create new ones.

  • Oh Comely constructs a representation of femininity with its focus on creativity and quirkiness. 
  • The focus is on women as artists, entrepreneurs, athletes and musicians and female empowerment is a major theme. 
  • absence of men as part of the representation of masculinity.
  • Representation of social groups: Oh Comely constructs a lifestyle through its focus on culture and the environment. This analysis would offer the opportunity to question some of the messages and values constructed by the magazine. 
  • Theories of representation including Hall 
  • Feminist theories including bell hooks and Van Zoonen 
  • Theories of gender performative including Butler.

An alternative Institutional structure

  • Shows how development in new technology mean small companies can also use the internet to communicate and target audiences
  • Niche audiences can then be targeted more precisely-A niche audience is a subgroup of a companies targeted audience. It is a selective group of people who have specific wants, needs and interests.
  • Niche audiences hold great value for brands and their success and are valuable because they are often more engaged, active and responsive audiences members.
  •  Iceberg (owner of OH.) is independent media company.-Independent media is any form of media, that is free of influence by government or corporate interests. The term has varied applications, it is linked with alternative media to refer to media that specifically distinguish themselves in relation to the mainstream media.- media that stray away from mainstream media to reach niche audiences.

Media Representations

The magazine main media representations are gender, primarily femininity, it can also reflect how the mens are representated. Therefore can be effectly compared with Men’s Health.

  • Oh Comely constructs a representation of femininity with its focus on creativity and quirkiness
  • The focus is on women as artists, entrepreneurs, athletes and musicians and female empowerment is a major
  • theme.


Oh Comely magazine issue 17, sep/oct 2013 by oh comely magazine - issuu

This magazine uses a girly colour pallet, which would mostly attract females, due to the stereotype contraptions with pinks tones as a girly colour and therefore reflex their target audience of women. The magazine also has a large title written in a handwritten style giving the maize a more homely feel and making it have a unique element to its to it again reflecting it target audience of unique, quirky women. The magazine also writes the title of the issue as the second biggest font (after the magazine title)enacting as an anchor to grab audiences attention.


  • Hall – looked at how messages are coded and decoded by audiences and in terms of OH! – feminise and empowerment of women.
  • Van Zoonen – said that in the media images of stereotypical women are shows and therefore influence societal views. OH! aims to de conform to these stereotypes showing women in a more empowered less sexualised nature.
  • Gender performative, by Judith Butler – voices the ideas that gender is socially constructed. she argues that this is through common speech and nonverbal communication that are performative to reconstructed connotations of gender, swell as the repetition of this.

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