csp: oh

“OH!”  is a magazine brand that has 25,000 readers, with the average age being 27

Oh! is a brand that supports and participates in the lifestyle/environmental movements of the early 21st century which re-brand consumerism as an ethical movement.

the brand oh is showing there views on gender representation and women’s rights by having there magazine for women and empowerment for women and are not just reducing women to objects as some other magazines might do. Or in other words using Mulvey theory of the male gaze by catering there products to men to get more sales, or in online terms could be seen as click bate by using suggestive photos of women.

oh got bought out by iceburg

The Oh magazine is published by Iceberg Press which is an independent media company, this means they will fend for themselves and don’t need other companies to help them with publishing, they wan to stand alone

The main representations implied by the magazine include gender, primarily femininity but can also be understood in how this affects the representation of men

Absence of men as a part of the representation of masculinity in Oh, shows how women don’t need men and they can stand alone

Absence of men as a part of the representation of masculinity in Oh, shows how women don’t need men and they can stand alone

first published in 2010

(who owns mens health~check)

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