csp 11 – oh

  • Previously ‘Oh Comely’
  • Part of a development in lifestyle/environmental movements of 21st century = re brand consumerism as an ethical movement
  • A representation of femininity = feminist movement, celebrates authenticity and empowerment
  • An independent magazine by Iceberg Press, a small London publisher (in contrast to men’s health)
  • Alternative Institutional structure
  • So this is a case study of Iceberg as an independent media company
  • New technology means that small companies can use the internet to communicate/target audiences
  • It presents new strategies for institutional development and creative working practice
  • Iceberg suggests ways for keeping print popular and relevant as it commits to print over other media forms
  • Representations of gender mostly femininity but can affect the representation of men
  • Comparison with Men’s Health
  • Oh – representation of femininity with its focus on creativity and quirkiness
  • Focus of women as artists, entrepreneurs, athletes, musicians etc
  • Female empowerment = major theme
  • The absence of men as part of the representation of masculinity
  • Social groups – lifestyle through focus on culture and environment
  • Theorists – bell hooks and Van Zoonen

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