oh comely is A independent magazine published by IceBerg (small London publisher)
- being an independent company means that they have to fend for themselves, they don’t have other companies helping them publish
- shows how developments in new technology means that small companies can also use the internet to communicate and target audiences.
- niche audience can be targeted more precisely
- Iceberg’s branding includes a commitment to print over other media forms.
media representations
- oh comely constructs a representation of femininity with its focus on creativity
- The focus is on women as artists, entrepreneurs, athletes and musicians and female empowerment is a major theme.
- The absence of men as part of the representation of masculinity in Oh Comely magazine.
- focuses on creativity and quikiness
feminist critical thinking: theory of representation:
- stuart hall –
- bell hooks –
- van zoonen – a feminism who looks at the theory of patriarchy
- gender perfromativity – Butler
the absence of men, creates an identity for the brand as they are doing something different and showing how women can have different representations and aren’t just objects
- they have control over feminism market
- this magazine can affect the representations of men
- shows how women don’t need men – they can stand alone