
Previously Oh Comely- Oh Comely is part of a development in lifestyle and environmental movements of the early twenty first century which rebrand consumerism as an ethical movement. Its representation of femininity reflects an aspect of the feminist movement which celebrates authenticity and empowerment

Oh Magazine is owned by Pirates Ahoy, Oh Comely magazine is a bi-monthly British magazine published by Pirates Ahoy! a subsidiary of Iceberg Press, publisher of The Simple Things magazine, and it was first publishes in 2010.

bell hooks- She put the name in lowercase letters “to distinguish [herself from] her great-grandmother. She argues that if feminism seeks to make women equal to men, then it is impossible because in Western society, not all men are equal.


Alternative institutional structure

  • independent magazine published by iceberg press (small London publisher)
  • independent media company
  • iceberg shows a commitment to print over any other media form
  • represent femininity with a focus on creativity and quirkiness
  • niche company (unique)

there’s an absence of men – suggesting OH is a radical company set up to combat and challenge the dominant ideology of men being in power, challenging the patriarchal society

  • wanna show they can be independent men aren’t here to dominate women and control them


  • created in 2014 by 3 friends/colleagues (were working for biggest media companies) – iceberg press and bought simple things
  • Lisa Sykes, Guy Foreman and David Parker
  • OH created 2016


It’s all about the audience.

Chase the work, not the money.

Compromise isn’t our friend.

We will always make time for ideas.

We are stronger when we work with others.

We want good people to work in a good place.

Every year we will help a cause that matters.

Media POwer and control

Media power and control can link to “Bombshell” because the text itself suggests how ‘Fox News’ is a conglomerate and controls many aspects of the media such as the news and TV channels. At the time the movie was set, Rodger would abuse his power and position to sexually harass young females and in return they would get a higher position in the workplace.

This links to critical feminist thinking because women shouldn’t have to take part in sexual acts, that they don’t want to, to get a higher position and should be recognized for their hard work.

This then links to the Leveson Enquiry which looked into the ethics and culture of the British press after the News International phone hacking scandal which was how they hacked into phones and abused their social power.

Media working practices

In the film bombshell and real life, Roger Ailes abused his power for sexual gratification by asking attractive females to aid in his sexual wishes so the young and aspiring girls can get a promotion, success and financial reward.This inspired feminist critical thinking within the office leading to a law suit and his removal from the company.

Media ownership & structure

  • Murdoch dynasty links to feminist critical thinking because Bombshell shows the patriarchy that was taking place at Fox News.
  • Murdoch dynasty owns over 800 companies in over 50 countries, making his empire a conglomerate.
  • Murdoch’s holding company, News Corp, owns The New York Post, The Times of London, and The Wall Street Journal publisher Dow Jones & Company.

media working practices

promotion and financial reward was conveyed in bombshell through the use of Roger Ailes abuse of power within the fox industry to promote and reward employees for his own sexual gratification and interests.

Financial reward relates to the Murdoch dynsaty as rupert murdoch and his partners abused their position of power and wealth to pay off police officers for stories that had not yet been released to the public,which was a clear breach of privacy and law.

media working practices

Journalistic practices:  Noam Chomsky presents his thoughts on how the mass media works against democracy’s best interests in his documentary Manufacturing consent, this relates to the leveson inquiry, a judicial public inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the British press following the News International phone hacking scandal. The Murdoch dynasty was also affected by the inquiry, it was found out that his company was paying the police for information, however nothing came of it. This can also relate to Hesmondhalgh’s theory, he points out that societies with profitable cultural industries tend to be dominated by large companies, have minimal government regulation and significant inequality between rich and poor.

Althusser says that we are socially constructed and what socially constructs us is ‘despite its diversity and contradictions . . . the ruling ideology, which is the ideology of ‘the ruling class’,’ In relation to journalistic practices, they are effected by this ‘ruling class’ and in turn construct our society. For example, Murdoch visited his editor of the sun after writing a report supporting Tony Blair saying he got it all wrong , making him rewrite it supporting the entire labour party and their ideologies as well as Blair.

media power and control


Hegemony is a struggle that emerges from NEGOTIATION and CONSENT – Not total domination (not totalitarianism or explicit propaganda) but a continual exchange of power, through ideas.


“The Leveson inquiry was a judicial public inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the British press following the News International phone hacking scandal, chaired by Lord Justice Leveson, who was appointed in July 2011.” – Wikipedia



How we explore and identify ourselves by viewing things that may potentially reflect ourselves.

Applying that theory to culture, communications and media studies, it is possible to see why we are so obsessed with reading magazines, listening to music, watching films, videos and television because, essentially, we are exploring ‘The Other’ as a way of exploring ourselves.


ISAs are used to describe the way in which structures of civic society – education, culture, the arts, the family, religion, bureaucracy, administration etc serve to structure the ideological perspectives of society, which in turn form our individual subject identity.


The mass communication media of the U.S. “are effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a system-supportive propaganda function, by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship, and without overt coercion”


  • Structures of ownership
  • The role of advertising
  • Links with ‘The Establishment’
  • Diversionary tactics – ‘flack’
  • Uniting against a ‘common enemy’


Media concentration / Conglomerates – A company which owns numerous companies involved in the distribution of mass media enterprises.

Globalisation (in terms of media ownership) – The worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas.

Vertical Integration – Vertical integration is when a company integrates multiple stages of a production line to a small number of production units

Horizontal Integration – Horizontal integration is the process that a company or an institution uses to increase the production of goods.

Nepotism – The practice among those with power or influence of favouring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.

csp – oh comely

Oh ~ previously Oh Comely

Oh Comely is part of a development in lifestyle and environmental movements of the early twenty first century which rebrand consumerism as an ethical movement. Its representation of femininity reflects an aspect of the feminist movement which celebrates authenticity and empowerment.

In contrast to Men’s Health magazine, Oh Comely is an independent magazine published by Iceberg Press, a small London publisher which publishes only one other title.