Post-colonialism Essay

Post-colonialism is important for how an audience may view media. Two theorists that look at the link between society and media are: J McDougall and Natalie Fenton. McDougall wrote a book called “Fake News vs New Media”. A quote from the book is “There are always points historically where populations have been discontented or economic hardships have been exacerbated”. The quote relates how Letter to the Free is a music video portraying the history of the mistreatment of black people and discrimination. An example of their discrimination is when Rosa parks was discriminated as she was told to stand up on a bus. This shows that Letter to the Free is a radical text because it challenges the historic events that black people had to fight for and the Common is asking (through his music video) for racial discrimination to stop.

Natalie Fenton links to post-colonialism because she created a three phase plan. This included of the assimilation of colonial structures that parallel to the “Mother country”. Following the three phase plan, it’s shown that the mother country in Letter to the Free, is America. This is unlike ghost town where the mother country is UK but mainly focuses on the city of London. This suggests how Letter to the Free and ghost town are radical and are trying to enforce change against discrimination while following the three phase plan.

Letter to the free and Ghost town both show post-colonialism, but in contrasting methods. Letter to the free is about ending racism and improving how black people are treated by those with unneeded, excessive power. However, Ghost town relates to the UK and its economic depression and how employment rates were increasing inside of factories. This further shows how they were radical at their time of released as people were used to these “norms” and viewed them as the dominant ideologies.

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