David Hesmondhalgh + Murdoch media empire

David Hesmondhalgh is an academic who critically analyses the relationship between media work and the media industry. He suggested that:

the distinctive organisational form of the cultural industries has considerable implications for the conditions under which symbolic creativity is carried out

Young people are too easily seduced to be able to work in the creative media industry. This is because of the possible wealth and fame which is why they allow themselves to be sexually harassed by their “boss”.

the individualising discourses of ‘talent’ and ‘celebrity’ and the promise of future fame or consecration, have special purchase in creative work, and are often instrumental in ensuring compliance with the sometimes invidious demands of managers, organisations and the industry (Banks & Hesmondhalgh, p. 420).”

Murdoch’s media empire includes Fox News, Fox Sports, the Fox Network, The Wall Street Journal, and HarperCollins. The families empires woth is nearly 18 billion.

Trump winning the election made the Murdoch family more powerful.

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