parallel narrative- where separate stories/narratives take place simultaneously/at the same time.

proairetic Code:  action, movement, causation

 hermenuetic Code:  reflection, dialogue, character or thematic development

Enigma code: Raise ideas for the audience to intrigue them which makes the audience want more information

Structuralism has been very powerful in its influence on narrative theory. Its main virtue is that it is most interested in those things that narratives have in common, rather than in the distinctive characteristics of specific narratives.

Started with the ending reversed and then jumped to “present day”


Middle: attacked acused guy and there was a confrontation, killed him. reverses back to the very start of the day again, giving away clues and hints as well as lean what Lenard is like. He doesnt remember anything in short term but remembers his wife dying. writed himself notes to remember things so he can find his wifes killer

According to Thompson (1990) ‘in studying narrative structure, we can seek to identify the specific narrative devices which operate within a particular narrative, and to elucidate their role in telling a story




Binary Oppositions: how a story will always have a good protagonist and a bad antagonist

Ellison or Elipsis- Flash forward or flashback and some content can go missing such as a half hour to meet someone. These also tend to break a linear sequence.

Dramatic Irony: audience know something that the characters of a narrative don’t.

Foreshadowing: Where something/ plot line is hinted at before the event occurs.

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