Memento and Narrative

This structural approach could also be referenced to Freytag’s Pyramid exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, and denouement

stories use STOCK CHARACTERS to structure stories.

NARRATIVES (=myths) are STRUCTURED around BINARY OPPOSITIONS eg: good v evil; human v alien; young v old etc etc.

Kernels = Important to be in the narrative for it to make sense

Satellites = moments in the narrative that could be removed and wouldn’t cause too much disruption

Todrov = beginning middle and end

Roland Barthes: Proairetic and Hermenuetic Codes

Not in real time

elision and ellipsis – when you drop something out eg. a chunk of time because otherwise if the film was in real time it would be very boring

Flashbacks and Flashforwards

Parallel or simultaneous narrative

Keep the audience active to fill in the gaps – create puzzles or enigmas (encourage the audience to want more information)

Dramatic Irony – the audience know something that the characters don’t


Non-sequitars – aspects of the story that is irrelevant and doesn’t go anywhere eventually (adds interest)

Light and Shade – lighter/slightly comical scenes to break up the dark

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