Feminist Essay

Judith butler suggests that human gender is leant through nature. ‘Gender as performativity.’ This means that we learn gender stereotypes and adapt them to our sex (genetalia) and it’s not how we are born, which is known as nature. As we grow older we begin to ‘act out’ the social gender norms and are more likely to conform to others of our gender which builds friendships. However there can be exceptions where other stereotypes are then made such as sexuality. An example of this is where a young boy conforms with young girls and acts like they do which makes people assume he will grow up to be gay. This is now adapted into modern day feminism, which can be represented in many media forms, especially music videos. She suggests that gender is fluid ‘Gender fluidity’, changeable and plural, meaning society can have the ability to alter the way genders are looked at by society and break gender normativity.

‘Blurred Lines’ which is a music video created by Robin Thicke was published in 2013. It was a massive controversy, opposing the third wave of feminisms ideology in the mid 1990s. The music video portrays women as highly sexualised passive sex objects to serve the needs of men. The music video was constructed to get a message across about how they think women should be represented, the modern day feminist society was outraged by this attempt to push back the feminist movement. They knew that this ideology of ‘women’ needed to change, to accomplish this they had to alter societies view on culture of racism and sexism.

Barker and Jane, who were english fiction writers, realized that the third wave feminism is a rebellion of women from younger generations that are against what was perceived, by older generations, as the dominant ideology of that time which was ‘obedient to men’ and was ‘sex negative’. Feminists of an older generation took the approach to enhance characteristics of ‘sex positive’ and the reappropriation of derogatory terms like ‘slut’ and ‘bitch’ for liberatory uses.

Forth wave feminism began in 2012. A difference between third and fourth was feminism is that the forth wave of feminism had more support as there were multiple charities. An example of a charity is ‘Fawcett society’ which fought for equality and women’s rights.

Auckland Uni produced a ‘parody’ version of the “Blurred Lines” music video as a response. This was to provoke/enhance the message of how women were poorly represented in the media. The creator reversed the roles of the music video. This was to show men how it feels when women are oppressed by objectifying them. To do this, women acted like the men whilst the men acted like the women from the original music video. This was able to portray the use of new media and how technologies have been adapted to be able to show and help carry the feminist agenda further.

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