Post Modernism

Baudrillard “Neither the product nor the productive effort are valued, but only the simulacrum”

In Simulacra and Simulation (1981), Baudrillard says that the illusion of the system is to provide a perfect explanation detached from imperfect reality. He argues that society and economy work because people believe that there is an inherent rationality in economy and society. What he calls Disneyworld is the invisible machine that supports such belief. In Disneyworld, a worker is not a person, but a sign. Time is synchronized, space is obliterated and both are represented in the same context. We deal with a widespread metastasis, a clone of the world and of our mental universe (Baudrillard, 2000).

A way of looking at current times

The way things are copied? the way things are surface level and superficial (re-imagining, pastiche, parody, copy, bricolage) self rerentiality.

Post modern culture is consumer culture where the emphasis on style eclipses the emphasis on utility or need

Most media is based on surface signs and has a preoccupation with visual style

A loss of metanarrative (theover arching ideas of life)

Parody VS Pastiche

Pastiche is a piece of work that imitates the work of a previous artist

Parody is a piece of work that imitates whilst ridiculing or having ironic meaning


‘involves the rearrangement and juxtaposition of previously unconnected signs to produce new codes of meaning’ (Barker & Jane, 2016:237)

Intertexuality texts inside of texts

Fragmentary consumption creates fragmentary identities. Individuals are alienated from society

The meaning of texts resides in the reader and the theory of decoding and encoding

Jean Baudrillard uses the term implosion to describe the world. Along with Fredric Jameson and Jean Francois-Lyotard discuss the loss of metanarrative

Jean Baudrillard says the new real is just a representation of the real ( simulacrum and the hyperreal)

Richard Hoggart wrote uses of literacy in 1959. He spoke about “neighborhood lives”. He said the change from pre-war life which was ” an extremely local life, in which everything is remarkably near ” and the change after the war into post modernism

Shuker speaks about fragmentary and breakup up traditional understanding ” music videos have a preoccupation with visual styles”

Strinati “in a postmodern world, surfaces and style become the most important defining features of the mass media and popular culture”

Barker and Jane ” involves the rearrangement and juxtaposition of previously unconnected signs to produce new codes of meaning “


  1. pastice
  2. parody
  3. bricolage
  4. intertextuality
  5. metanarrative
  6. hyperreality
  7. simulacrum
  8. comnumerist socieaty
  9. fragmentary identities
  10. implosion
  11. cultural appropriation
  12. reflexivity

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