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Post-Modernism – A way of viewing the world. Relating to ideas such as Re-Imagining, Pastiche, Parody, Copy and Bricolage. Fragmentation of identity via the alienation of society or even themselves.

Pastiche – An imitation of a piece of work, NOT with the intention of ‘Making fun of’ the piece.

Parody – Is a piece of work that imitates another piece WITH the intention to ridicule the original.

Does copying a piece make it original? Copying allows new meaning and contexts to be created, similar to the remix of a song, it is different to the original yet the same.

Bricolage is a useful concept or postmodernism as it ‘involves the rearrangement and juxtaposition of previously unconnected signs to produce new codes of meaning’ (Barker & Jane, 2016:237).

Intertextuality – suggests signs only have meaning in reference to other signs and that meaning is therefore a complex process of decoding/encoding 

Fragmentary/ Decentred nature of music videos allow audiences to use media such as music videos as a form of escapism as they are unable to distinguish ‘fiction’ from ‘reality’.

Shuker – “Their preoccupation with visual style”

Consumerist Culture – One of the most iconic examples of consumer culture is Apple’s rise to the top to technology, because it created a product that fit the needs of consumers in a way that buyers became part of a technology movement.

There is an argument that postmodern culture is a consumer culture, where the emphasis on style is greater than actual need.

Surface and Style over Substance – as products can be created just for the idea of connecting it to another product, meaning and focus is reduced. A lot of focus goes into the surface of a product, but not the deeper meaning behind it such as context/ cultural/ social issues or ideas.

Richard Hoggart – ‘Uses Of Literacy (1959) and the idea of ‘Neighborhood Lives’.

John Urry – Due to the massive increase in population during the twentieth century, from 2 to 6 billion, now cities, towns and villages are high-consuming energy centers. – characteristic of postmodernism = consumption.

Jean Baudrillard – The world is imploding in on itself.

Jean Baudrillard, Jean-Francois Lyotard and Fredric Jameson – The loss of a meta-narrative. (Key Thinkers for course)

Simulation – The unreal/ copy is real. The Hyperreal – An exaggerated/ hyperbolic reality.

PostModernism Definitions

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