
  • A way of seeing the world
  • parody vs pastiche
  • pastiche is a work of art, drama, literature, music, or architecture that imitates the work of a previous artist
  • parody is a work or performance that imitates another work or performance with ridicule or irony


  • deliberate references to other texts
  • their preoccupation with visual style, and associated with this, their status as key exemplars of ‘postmodern’ texts.’  – Shuker (music videos)
  • Surface and style over substance
  • The emphasis is on the surface, in other words, if the main focus is the idea of just connecting one product to another, then the focus is superficial, shallow, lacking depth, so ‘in a postmodern world, surfaces and style become the most important defining features of the mass media and popular culture‘ – Strinati
  • frivolous, trite, casual, surface, throw-away. It may even be ironic, joking, or literally, ‘just playing’. However, it is always a deliberate copy (of the old).
  • become more vulnerable when we only focus on the surface
  • Duty to enjoy yourself

The loss of a metanarrative

  • postmodernism is surface and style no deep meanings no religion/ higher power
  • From a societal perspective the ‘real’ seems to be imploding in on itself, a ‘process leading to the collapse of boundaries between the real and simulations’ (Barker & Emma, 2015:242). A process which the French intellectual Jean Baudrillard would describe as IMPLOSION which gives rise to what he terms SIMULACRA
  • Simulacra: simulations of reality

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