
Philosophy/ way of understanding the World.Looking at the world through this lens allows you to see the world in a different way. Music videos can often be seen as postmodern.

Suggests nothing is new, we revisit old things and modernize them. Complimented and fragmentary set of inter-relations and re-imaginary.

Pastiche is a work of art, drama, literature, music, or architecture that imitates the work of a previous artist. Parody is a work or performance that imitates another work or performance with ridicule or irony.

Intertextuality – one text is referencing another. Shuker notes, two points are frequently made about music videos: ‘their preoccupation with visual style’.’Fragmentary, decentred nature of music videos’ and  ‘no longer able to distinguish ‘fiction’ from ‘reality’. ‘making them part of a blatantly consumerist culture‘

‘involves the rearrangement and juxtaposition of previously unconnected signs to produce new codes of meaning’ (Barker & Jane, 2016:237). 

STYLE OVER SUBSTANCE. Put another way, are we more interested in the surface of an object than its’ inner meaning?

a postmodern world, surfaces and style become the most important defining features of the mass media and popular culture‘ (Strinati: 234). 

Richard Hoggart (Uses of Literacy) – talks about shift in media technological culture, what’s seen as old boring and rubbish and something happened in 50/ 60’s, impact on neighborhood lives, everything was local. In about 100 years the world grew from 2 billion people to 6 billion and it turned the world into consumers and nothing was local anymore now you just buy and don’t make anything and just consume more and that’s how were characterized.

Fragmentary consumption = Fragmentary identities. Postmodern culture is consumer culture. Alienated individuals living in a fragmented society.

The loss of a metanarrative. Religion is a metanarrative i.e going to heaven its a belief that everything comes to place and sorts itself out. There was an enlightenment which suggested it’s fake.

‘real’ seems to be imploding in on itself, a ‘process leading to the collapse of boundaries between the real and simulations’ (Barker & Emma, 2015:242). .A process which the French intellectual Jean Baudrillard would describe as IMPLOSION which gives rise to what he terms SIMULACRA

A simulation, from Baudrillard’s perspective of implosion, it is has become more than a representation or simulation and it has become SIMULACRUM. Hyper-real.

Pastiche- is a work of art, drama, literature, music, or architecture that imitates the work of a previous artist.

Parody-  is a work or performance that imitates another work or performance with ridicule or irony.






Consumerist society-

Fragmentary identities-


cultural appropriation-


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