-A way of understanding the world/ a philosophy
– an approach towards understanding, knowledge, life, being, art, technology, culture, sociology, philosophy, politics and history in that it often refers to and often copies other things in order to understand itself.
-When one text references another
– ‘preoccupation with visual style’ – Shuker
-We find it hard to distinguish fiction from reality
Intertextuality= signs only have meaning in reference to other signs and that meaning is therefore a complex process of decoding/encoding with individuals both taking and creating meaning in the process of reading texts
Bricolage = the rearrangment and juxtaposition of previously unconnected signs to produce new codes of meaning
Surface and style over substance
‘In a postmodern world, surfaces and style become the most important defining features of the mass media and popular culture‘ (Strinati: 234)
-If post modern culture is focused more on the style and surface over substance there is a problem with culture
Postmodernism context
Richard Hoggart noted the shift in modern societies particularly the impact on our ‘neighborhood lives’ (everything and everything are extremely near)
- We don’t make anything anymore we just consume (characterized by consumption more than production)
Fragmentary consumption
– separating, splitting up and dividing previously homogeneous groups such as, friends, the family, the neighborhood, the local community, the town, the county, the country
–Fragmentary identities= work identity, social identity, family identity