Narrative Theory

How are you gonna organise the time and what’s it gonna do in your video?

In video there is a: Beggining, a middle and an end.

Time can be linear: sequential: non sequential or chronological

You can change space that isn’t natural or normal.

Whats the theme of the video?

In a narrative there is a story, theme and a plot

Tztevan Tadorov (Tripartite narrative structure) (theorist)

  • Equilibrium
  • Disruption
  • New Equilibrium

Preytag (theorist)

  • Expositon
  • Climax
  • Denouement

Vladimir Propp (Character types and function)

  • what roles are there and how can it be shown

Stages of a story

  • Preperation
  • Complication
  • Transference
  • Struggle
  • Return
  • Recognition

Claude Levi-Strauss (Binarry oppositons)

one thing that connects societies together is stories from ancient cultures.

Binarry oppositions= e.g Agree-Disagree or good-bad

Seymour Chatman: Satellites and Kernels

  • Kernels= Key moments in the plot/ Narrative structure
  • Satellites= Embellishments, developments and aesthetics

His theory was about how in a narrative how it breaks down into two parts which are essentially what make up the story


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