Post colonialism

Specifically looks at identity and representation of empire and colonialism, The shadow of the Atlantic slave trade.(started in 1400’s)

The need for mass labour the europeans looked to africa.

African kings sold , criminals as slaves to build up there own country.

Due to men being used as slaves there was a massive impact on the demographics of africa, meaning there are more older woman than men.

TODAYS NEWS- Bristol- wealthy from trading slaves, built from the money made, slave trader statue pulled down of Edward Colston. The death of George Floyd (African American)- caused multiple protests in the streets, black lives matter, failed system (white American in the police force killed George) Still relevant today- Dave (artist) wrote a song about inequality between black people and white people. Performed at the brits awards 2020. Sang about the representation of black people.

Orientalism; The Link between culture, imperial power & colonialism.

Edward Said- “the privileged role of culture in the modern imperial experience” Normative values

“the power to narrate, or block other narratives from forming or emerging, is very important to culture and imperialism.” – by telling white people ‘ black people are inhuman, savages and slavery is good’ they will eventually listen to your narrative/stories.

‘the East is seen as a fascinating realm of the exotic, the mystical and the seductive.’- When westerners step outside of their ‘world’ they believe they can act a certain way that they wouldn’t usually at home.

‘the East becomes the repository or projection of those aspects of themselves which Westerners do not choose to acknowledge (cruelty, sensuality, decadence, laziness and so on)’

Post-colonalism developed in the 1990’s- is about challenging the universal claims.

Orientalism- Europeans seemed to be superior, similar to sterotyping eg; Donald trump- banned muslims from entering American because he stereotyped them by saying they all hate Americans. Orient- ‘the others’

Jacques Lacan, philosopher and mathematician (1901)- ‘you cannot see yourself only a copy/ reflection of yourself to understand who you are and who you are not.’- Mens Health, men trying to understand themselves through other people. Other people judge you from what is on the outside rather than the inside. “interlay misunderstood” ” alone and will never be able to express myself the way i want to” The mirror stage- when you first seen yourself in the mirror usually when you are young.

How does this link to orientalist- duality- the two geographical entities support and in some ways reflect each other. The way in which they ‘paint’ each other what is the narrative? The rational vs the irrational. Orientalism- is like a lens how people are seen by others.

Louis Althusser- ISA’s (Ideological state apparatus) and the notion of interpellation. [eg-family is a ISA, education,] “We are socially constructed”

‘the ruling people’- ideas filtered through people from top down. (dominant ideology)

Frantz Fanon- ‘Mechanics of colonialism and its effects of those it ensnared‘ when he remembers how he felt when, in France, white strangers pointed out his blackness, his difference, with derogatory phrases such as ‘dirty Nigger!’ or ‘look, a Negro!’ – interpellation/hailing.

black face- white performers wearing black makeup on their face and mocking black people. Top-hat, and long tail coat. Jim crow was born, made people believe that black people are lazy and animals.

reclaim their own past by finding a voice and an identity

Antonio Gramsci- Hegemony; process of culture and control. Idea of shift and change,  power relations can be understood as a hegemonic struggle through culture.

How can this link to our csp’s- The letter to the free- “the other” is seen in the music video as a black floating square in the first scene

Paul Gilroy- his theme of double consciousness- ideas from W.E.B Dubois. The colour line, made it hard for whites to see black people as americans.

letter to the free- David Olusoga talks about black British , slavery was abolished however still had to work 45 hours a week for there former slave trader and slave traders were also compensated over 17 billion pounds(overall) for the loss of their ‘property’ aka slaves.

equal justice initative- quotes, a narrative of white supremacy was created.

slavery was abolished however grew in the south from 40,000-435,000

link to letter to the free- slavery carried pn, forced incarnation. Amendment 13- slavery not prohibited only as a punishment of crime

Jim crow laws- racial segregation

Paul Gilroy- double consciousness, how can you be black and British, separation/segregation. Eg- George Floyd black american– however was killed by another american, hybrid both black and american.

W.E.B. Du Bois- 1900 originated the words hybridization and double consciousness. Racism has an effect on identity. This makes it hard for individuals to see themselves as anything other than what white people portray them as.

The specials, Ghost Town- two tone band, hybrid , black and white music (pop and reggae) links to double conscious.

Ghost town- social discontent

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