postcolonialism & orientalism

  • Edward Said – Links culture, imperial power & colonialism
  • “The power to narrate, or to block other narratives from forming or emerging, is very important to culture and imperialism.” Edward Said – Culture and Imperialism, 1993
  • imperialism is economic, normalise this through culture
  • Postcolonialism operates a series of signs maintaining the European-Atlantic power over the Orient by creating “an accepted grid for filtering through the Orient into Western consciousness” – Edward Said – 1978
  • “The East is seen as a fascinating realm of the exotic, the mystical and the seductive.” – Barry, 2017
  • The west has duality – it can create itself and others
  • the media is not neutral
  • Europe is made to seem better
  • Orientalism related to the rising and setting of the dun – relates to binary opposite
  • Orientalism makes the middle east seem anything from erotic to dangerous
  • Could be considered stereotyping
  • Production of culture affects worldviews
    • The Orient as ‘The other’
    • “We cannot actually see ourselves as whole, we use a reflection to understand who we are / who we are not” – Jacque Lacan
    • The mirror stage – our first recognition, we use our reflection to understand who we are. We are exploring ourselves as ‘the other’
  • Louis Althusser: ISA’s & the notion of ‘Interpellation’
  • Ideological state apparatus (ISA), 
  • “All ideology hails or interpellates concrete individuals as concrete subjects, through the functioning of the category of the subject.” – Althusser – 1971
  • Society is structured to keep you in your place – socially constructed
  • The ruling ideology constructs us (the ideas of the ruling class)
  • Althusser says we cant escape, we are interpellated in this system
  • Frantz Fanon – wrote about how white men pointed out his blackness, he articulated how a black man living in france was constructed as ‘The Other’
  • He said we need recolonisation – colonised people need to take back their past
  • Fanon presents 3 phases of action ‘which traces the work of native writers’:
  • Chinua Achebe – “somewhat unfinished European who with patience guidance will grow up one day and write like every other European” – 1988
    • Antonio Gramsci – Hegemonic struggle the chance to reclaim
    • About fighting the power
    • N-word an example of reclaiming language and identity
    • How certain cultural forms predominate over others, which means that certain ideas are more influential than others
    • But the power can change, it can change through culture
    • Post colonialism articulates a desire to reclaim, re-write and re-establish cultural identity and thus maintain power of The Empire 
  • Syncretism, double consciousness & hybridization
  • Mechanisms for understanding cross-cultural identities
  • Paul Gilroy
  • ‘hybridity’, ‘ambiguity’ and ‘cultural poly valency’ within post colonialism
  • ‘cross-cultural’ interactions
  • ‘identity as ‘doubled, or ‘hybrid’, or ‘unstable’
  • ‘unstable’ as in less clear
  • Ghost town = eclectic mix + double consciousness
  • “narrative of white supremacist was created” – justice initiative
    • black British – David Olusoga
    • Paul Gilroy – double consciousness, involves black Atlantic, duality, hybridization e.g. black British, not just British
    • terms “hybridization” & “double consciousness” came from W.E.B Du Bois
  • LTTF & GT explore something that didn’t exist in the past – representation of age, class, gender, race etc.
  • Media is not reflecting society, why people believe stereotypes
  • no black in the union jack
  • Lacan says we need a mirror to understand who we are
  • Orientalism – Eward Siedd
  • the orient cannot represent itself, there is a dominant culture. They don’t have the power to the west represents it
  • link w culture & violence
  • Through art, literature, narrative etc shows how the west painted the orient
  • identity formation is formed by looking at things, what were told
  • not everyone has the power to create a narrative for themselves so they have stories ted about them
  • Althusser – ideological state apparatus (ISA) describes all the things which have an impact on us & makes us who we are
  • the way society encodes you is called interpellation, it shapes us, forced to look & think
  • For example, blackface. They are scared of black people rising up & taking power
  • Gramsci – tuck of war over representation, we are not trapped. We can show this through music & video
  • we can change these set ideas through music, video, literature, TV etc

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