Feminist critical thinking

Feminism is closely linked with sexism.

Company and individuals

Sexism is defined on the assumption that men are always superior to females.

Sexual harassment is major in the media industry. Harvey Weinstine= blackmailed woman into having sex with them so that they could work with him to produce their own films.

Feminist- political , Female- biological gender, Feminine- characteristics

1960’s American civil rights movements

Ads view woman differently than men as they are often used to model however in the work place was a secretary, waitress or a cleaner.

First wave of feminism– Suffragettes (1867) – worked on getting womans rights. Woman went as far as chaining themselves to railings, protesting in streets however got punished for this by men. The were often put into prison or beaten in the streets.

Partricarchy – is he cultural mind set in men and woman about sexual inequality.

Laura Mulvey- “visual pleasure and narrative cinema” + there are more men in the film industry (more camera operators, directors…ect) There is an imbalance. ‘visual pleasure’- active in looking and woman are essentially for ‘looking at’ usually sexually. (scopophilia- is the liking of looking, example objectification) freud pschoanalytic concept.

Laura-” taking people as objects and subjecting them to a controlling and subjective gaze” ie: man gaze, vouyerism- the sexual pleasure gained in looking.

Fetishism- close ups of the female body to be presented as something to admire therefore being objectified and sexualised.( eg; lips, hips,bum,breast,thighs…)

Child development- building a sense of who we are through the Other, only ever see a reflection of ourselves. We define ourselves by others. Identity formation. A male construction of women. Cinema- woman are portrayed in a certain way which forces woman to think that how the should behave or be.

Music videos often show woman as a sexual object to please the men. In the background behind men whilst wearing small pieces of clothing (bikini, underwear) dancing erotically this is because it ‘sells’. They use woman bodies as a selling point in music videos. Eg blurred lines- men in suits , woman in underwear.

However is also used in the gaming industry, female characters movement are a lot more sexualised than the male eg; their walk- the hips are oftenly swayed drawing more attention to their butt. This is for the male gaze.

Laura Mulvey wrote her book many years ago however it is still relevant in todays world.

Dreamwolrd- codes and conventions which are taken from pornography.

Raunch Culture the 3rd wave of feminism– younger than 2nd wave feminist, more alert to race and class.(Naomi wolf) Began 1990 characteristic rebellion against their feminist mums, and a ‘sex negative’ approach towards older feminists.

They had many characteristics: sex positivity, a re-appropriation of derogatory terms (slut, bitch), fluid and multiple subject positions and identity.

Eg- wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus, they use their sexuality to make money or to feel empowered.

Eg- metoo movement, about being sexually harassed. Or free the nipple were woman want to be able to not wear a bra and not be sexualised by men.

4th wave – lipstick, butch, femme, and girly girl are all different types of feminism. Judith Butler- we are not a gender its how u construct yourself. You can change how you portray yourself, you build your own identity, eg social media.

Multicultural intersectionality- black gay females/white gay females… e.c.t…

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