Feminist Critical Thinking

Feminist usually links with Sexism

This operates at an institutional level (making films about women by women is hard) in positions of power

Also, a personal level, such as Weinstein making women sleep with him to produce their film etc.

1st Wave Feminism – Suffragettes in mid 1800’s – wanted vote

2nd Wave Feminism – 1970’s – the Women’s Liberation Movement – exposing mechanisms of patriarchy (Barry 2017) and conscious raising (Wandor 1981)

Laura Mulvey

‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’ – about the male gaze – objectifying women in films. Imbalance of active male and passive female.

Based on Freud’s ideas of scopophilia (pleasure of looking) and voyeurism (sexual pleasure gained in looking). Also, fetishism (parts of female body that are cut up to look out such as legs).

Also draws on Jaques Lacan, children form a consciousness throughout childhood. The ‘mirror stage’ where a child understands they are a person and will never know our self but just a reflection the Other.

Sut Jhally

Draws a connection between pornography and conventions of the music video.

Modern Feminism

Raunch Culture 3rd Wave Feminism coined by Naomi Wolf – Early 1990’s – rebellion of younger women to older feminists due to a ‘sex negative’ approach. Also, a larger scale of race, sex and gender.

‘They are powerful owners of their own sexuality’ Hendry & Stephenson (2018:50)

4th Wave Feminism – staying connected, sharing and developing new perspectives such as #MeToo and the Free the Nipple campaign

Intersectionality – Queer Theory

Judith Butler

‘Gender as performance’ –

Van Zoonen

Bell Hook

‘Power relationships between black and white women’.

Ideas of Intersectionality intersect with other concepts, ideas and approaches.

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