Narrative Notes/ Ideas

My Own Narrative –

Themes = Old VS New // Insane VS Sane // Love VS Hate // Loneliness

Places = Woods// desolate area // Old buildings // bedroom

People = My video will be promoting a solo male artist

For the video I am going to use some techniques used in my style models – such as ‘Summertime Sadness’ – by using an old vintage/ grain effect throughout and flashbacks to certain memories which will be in colour. The parts of the video that are ‘present’ will be in black and white of negative exposure, like the Coldplay video. As ell as this, in order for the music to match the video I am going to edit/ change scenes on certain beats of the song (shown in Cavetowns ‘pigeon’ music video).

Lesson –

Generally, in moving image products time is linear (Chronological)

Sequential = Linking each part together or each transition together

Space – About different spaces being liked together.

Narrative also generally has a primary and/ or secondary theme.

In regards to my narrative – Theme would be Love VS Hate, in a non-chronological order (Random), using flashbacks to refer back to memories at different intervals throughout the song.

Codes & Conventions – Different variables or ideas used throughout the narrative – or something that is recognizable throughout the music video industry.

Key People/ Ideas –

Todorov – Narrative structure = Equilibrium, Disruption, Resolution or Begging, middle and end.

Levi-Strauss – Binary Opposition, also examined myths and legends in ancient and primitive cultures.

Propp – 8 Stock character types, who preform stock functions

Regards to my music video – communicate that first equilibrium through contextual details such as the setting e.g. a house.

Freytag – Dramatic Arc – Freytags pyramid.  The action of the drama and the grouping of characters is therefore in two parts: the hero’s own deeds and those of his antagonist.

Dramatic Moment in My video – Flashbacks(?) Enticing incident that led to this high point of drama = the theme of Love VS hate and how they can be mistaken (?)

What is the theme and how does influence how the music video plays out? – Themes can be played out through opposition e.g. my theme Love VS hate or Happiness VS Anger.

Seymour Chatman – Satellites and Kernals

Kernels – The main idea/ theme/ setting/ character of a story, without the Kernel the narrative wouldn’t make sense – ESSENTIAL

Satellites – Aren’t essential but help develop the story, plot or characters and help to give the audience more knowledge.

Differences –

Narrative = Overall structure

Story = The things/ themes in it

Plot = How this is all organised.

In relation to music video = About self discovery/ love/ identity. Narrative = Using flashbacks.

narrative theory

narrative is based around time –

its gernally chronological

its sequential – (having a the video clips link up/ or ramdomized, going back in time)

its linear

narrative of space and being connected (

narratives have a under lined theme – (music video – theme of isolation, lonliness, sadness – oppisite: happiness, joy, cheerful)

todorov – theroy of tripartite narrative structure (three prt narrative sturcutre: beggining, middle, end: equilibrium, disruption, new equilibruim ( make sure you reppresnt that begginning)

in my music video: whats the equilibruim? whats the disruption? friend dies. whats the new equilibruim? friend becomes lonely, lost, depressed

vladirmir propp – stock characters ( hero, helper, princess, villian, victim, dispatcher, father, false hero)

claude levi strauss – (binary oppostions) – stories are important as they provide messages and idenitfications, (better understanding)

symour chatman: satelites and kernels

narrative if the over all structure – can be broken down into a story and plot. ( music video is about the struggle of accepting the past, and feeling lonely)

Narrative notes

structuralism: most interested in those things that narrative have in common.

Time: is generally linear.

Chronology: it is sequential.(video mostly random)

Space: different spaces being connected.

Narratives have an underlying or an underpinning theme. ( isolation by the beach)

Rules to narrative:

Tzetvan Todorov: Equilibrium, disruption, new equilibrium, (Tripartite narrative structure):e.g. beginning middle and end.

Freytag’s pyramid: visual illustration of your drama. Exposition, climax!, denouement.

Vladimir Propp: (stock characters who perform stock functions) For example, if you have a villain you probably have a victim.

Claude Levi-Strauss: Binary oppositions: This is where you understand narrative structure e.g. good vs bad.

Seymour Chatman: satellites and kernels: kernels are the main things in the story. Satellites orbit round they are not essential but they are helpful.

Narrative: is the overall structure

Story: is the things and themes

Plot: how things are arranged

Narrative Theory – Music Video/Memento


  • Chronological and Liner, sequential  LINEAR and SEQUENTIAL, (My video will follow this conventions and be in order from start to end).
  • About an organisation of space and connection
  • Have a theme (Isolation, joy in music – opposite – crowds and misery)
  • Need to explain why – subvert


  • Todrov – theory tripartite narrative structure (beginning – equilibrium, middle – disruption/conflict , end – new equilibrium). (High point of drama – group coming together/think about, incising incident?)
  • Setting before action – communicate equilibrium
  • Fretag – dramatic art, Fritages Pyramid – visual diagram of your drama
  • Propp – Character types and functions – stock characters preform stock roles that can be divided up – villain/victim
  • Turner – developed for Trodov
  • Levi-Strauss – binary opposites. People have role and do certain things (stock characters) similarities/all the same. Stories provide, messages/communications. – Only know it is not – ‘Theory of the other’.
  • Seymour Capman – satellites and kernels. Stories broken into 2 parts – C’s main things (characters etc) Satellites orbit around, not essential but helpful. – Essential and disposable.
  • Need multiple people+settings (3:3)
  • Narrative is the overall structure (Isolation, music brings happiness etc)
  • Story things in it/themes (isolation)
  • Plot – how you are organising it
  • Proairetic code: action, movement, causation
  • Hermenuetic code: reflection, dialogue, character or thematic development
  • Enigma Code (RB) = if somethings enigmatic it is confusing, strange, intriguing . Ask questions, creates puzzles. – Engage a audience to fill in the gaps – creates an active audience – Lenny talks about an enigma code – pleasure of a book – not knowing what will happen.
  • Elision and Ellipses – to cut things out – shorter time
  • Flashback and Flash forwards – most films time and sequences
  • Foreshadow
  • Dramatic Irony
  • Jokes and Comedy
  • Light and Shade
  • Non Sequitars – lose endings, ceased plots

MEMENTO – parallels between structure and memory

  • flash forward – backwards slow motion -photo developing-shooting
  • meeting man – entering building -shooting man
  • back and forth – from hotel room to shooting- more detail every time
  • Memory issues – short term memory
  • Timeline distorted like memory – backwards
  • Trying to remember – order of film – filling in blanks
  • Relies on photos and notes to remember
  • Writing all over body
  • Seeking revenge
  • All actions meaningful despite not remembered/in the right order.
  • This is not in liner order as it is depicted in the same way his memory is distorted such as repetition and added information.
  • Memory unreliable – notes and facts
  • Susceptible to mistakes and confusion – memory is subjective/unreliable

A2 Narrative Notes

Based on Structuralism – narratives have things in common and have structure.

Narratives are about time and space – usually linear and sequential. Structured around a theme.

Aristotle said that ‘a whole must have a beginning, a middle and a end’

Story – associated with themes and meaning – mise-en-scene etc.

Plot – how the things are arranged – the order


Todorov – Tripartite structure – Equilibrium leads to Disruption then a new Equilibrium – somebody is murdered and then I am on my own – blood on me at start and end.

Levi-StraussBinary Oppositions – Good vs Bad etc. – Loneliness vs Friendship

ProppCharacter Types – Stock characters such as the hero who saves the day.

ChatmanSatellites and Kernel – Satellites are developments (non-essentials) and Kernels (essential elements such as characters)

Narrative Notes

Narratives are about time and spacing, usually linear with chronological sequences, with a beginning middle and end – but it is open to switching up

Often organised and focused around a main theme

The setting of characters and events becomes a story, and the combination of that in order of that creates a plot


Tztevan Todorov – Tripartite narrative structure (equilibrium, disruption, new equilibrium/Exposition, Climax, Denouement – 3 part structure, begin middle end) – skate focus – bored, learning, find passion

Claude Levi-Strauss – Binary oppositions (good bad, rich poor, old young – understand what something is by realising what it is not) – Bored to entertained

Vladimir Propp – Character types and functions (similar roles in all films and story’s – hero/villain) main character, fulfilling some sort of dream

Seymour Chatman – Satellites and Kernels (Narrator structured around main elements of story (kernel) and small features of less importance (Satellite)) – need to include skateboard but certain shots aren’t needed

style models music videos


In the beginning of this music video they film a few shots of empty/abandoned rooms with a singular man stood by himself(isolated) this is to give the feel of loneliness and to set the abeyance of the video.This is carried out throughout the video as it shows him walking the empty streets and entering dark, empty houses which were once homes.

I like how they have used lots of short clips to create this music video rather than one whole clip, this allows the audience to many aspects within a short amount of time (3.32 the duration of the video) I also like the use of up close shots and those from a distance.


The purpose of this music video is informing people of the obvious mistreatment of african americans. The beginning shot is of Childish Gambino dancing until he strikes a pose family known in relation to Jim Crow and shoots a black man in the head ( this shows both black art and black suffering) This is powerful and as it is used in the beginning shots sets the severity of the music video. Black music and black dance is largely used in America however is not appriciated this is called a lack of cultural appreciation.

In this music video it shows African Americans being killed/shot this is to spread awareness of black deaths are far higher than white deaths and that white people have privileges. This is very current in todays news as the death of George Floyd set of a mass disruption all over the world.

The music video shows a large group of black people who feel isolated from society as they are not treated equally, the video shows cars on fire, close ups and shots from a distance. There is a protagonist who is filmed throughout the whole video however in the background there are riots and fights with the police this is to show how black people are ‘perceived to be’ whilst the protagonist dances upfront. Although the music video is busy and has a lot going on it still portrays the feeling of fear and isolation they feel from everyone else.

narrative notes

Narratives are about time and space and are usually linear and sequential, they run for a set length. Narratives are usually structured or organised around a particular theme.

Narrative is the overall structure involved in communication, within this are the story which includes whats in it, and the plot which is the way its structured and organised.

Tztevan Todorov (Tripartite narrative structure) Stories can be broken down into Beginning/Middle/End. Todorov presents this idea as: -Equilibrium -Disruption -New equilibrium

The climax is the highest point of drama within the piece of media, this point of drama begins with the inciting incident, after the highest point of drama there is a resolution.

Claude Levi-Srauss (Binary oppositions) By looking at different cultures and societies, he suggested that stories should include characters that are opposites

Vladimir Propp (Character types and functions) labels “Stock characters” as characters with specific functions, their actions help provide function for the narrative structure.

-Hero -Helper -Princess -Villain -Victim -Dispatcher -Father -False Hero

Seymour Chatman (Satellites and Kernels) Kernels – key moments in the plot /narrative structure Satellites – embellishments, developments, aesthetics

Narrative theory

Narratives are about time and space.

They are linear (arranged in or extending along a straight or nearly straight line) and sequential (forming or following in a logical order or sequence)

Chronology (what order) and secrets

How is it structured? What order

Beginning, middle and End

Narratives are organised around a theme

There is a difference between narrative story and plot

You learn to ride a moped, your nervous and scared- you get your 125 your grown up and confident- flashback to a kid when you learn how to ride a bicycle.

Tztevan Toddorov: Equilibrium, Disruption, New Equilibrium

High point of drama is the climax

the enticing incident is what begins the climax

the resolution is after the climax

Claude Levi-Strauss (Binary oppositions)

e.g white/ black straight/ gay rich/poor

Vladimir Propp (Character types and functions)

there are stock characters with stock functions

Hero, Helper, Princess, villain, victim, dispatcher, father, false hero

Seymour Chatman: Satellites (embellishments, developments, aesthetics) and kernels (key moment in the plot/ narrative structure)

narrative notes

Narrative are organised around a particular theme, space and are based in an idea of time.

They are usually linear and sequential so they have a beginning middle and end.

Narrative is the overall structure in communication which can be broken down into story and plot.

Story is what is within the narrative ie props or people.

Tztevan Todorov (tripartite narrative structure) Beginning / middle / end, this can also be presented as – equilibrium – disruption – new equilibrium

A video needs a high point of drama known as climax which has an inciting incident to lead up to it, at the end there should be some kind of resolution.

Claude LeviStrauss (Binary Oppositions) For example having good vs evil as a theme or male vs female.

Vladmir Propp (character types and function) “Stock characters” each film has different characters which different roles for example each film has a hero and a victim, usually portrayed in different ways.

Seymour Chatman : Satelittes & Kernels Kernels – key movements in the plot / narrative structure Satellites – embellishments, development, aesthetics