
time – how is it going to be organised? beginning, middle and end? linear, non-linear, sequential, circular, chronologically?

space- how will each scene/setting fade into the next?

theme – what is the theme of the video?

narrative – overall structure

story – overall theme

plot – how you sequence everything

equilibrium – wakes up , disruption – imagining doing things (parties etc), new equilibrium – wakes up again

Vladimir prop (character types and functions)- stock characters. hero, damsel in distress, princess etc. The stock characters have stock functions

Claude Levi-Strauss (binary oppositions) – one thing that connects groups connect people as they tell similar stories – about binary oppositions

theme – in isolation but imagining having fun outside of it

Seymour Chapman (satellites and kernels) – kernels – if you remove something from a story it will not work. satellites – things that change and do not affect the story eg their favorite color.

start off with water being tipped on phoebe in bed. she looks bored sitting in her room. she looks in her mirror and it goes into a party scene. the scene before last is her jumping into a pool and when she comes up for air she is back in bed again.

  • How to organize time
  • Time can be linear, non linear, sequential or non sequential
  • Chronological order
  • How to organize space
  • Theme- That links it all together
  • Narrative- Overall structure
  • Story- Theme / idea
  • Plot- How you sequence it
  • Equilibrium gets disrupted then there’s a new equilibrium
  • Vladimir Propp- found that people are using the same type of characters- stock function
  • Claud Levi-Strauss- one thing that links together is that they tell similar stories
  • Seymour Chatman- If you take kernels out of the story won’t work

Narrative Theory

Organizing Time – Time in a story can be linear, non-linear, sequential or non-sequential. A story can be viewed chronologically or non-chronologically.

Space – What mechanism the story uses to organize or disorganize space between events and characters.

Theme – Something that links the events, characters and places.

Narrative – The overall structure

Story – the theme, idea or meaning

Plot – The way in which the story is organised and how the events occur.

Todorov tripartite narrative structure: Beginning, middle and end (or equilibrium, disruption and new equilibrium)

Freytag’s pyramid visualizes this tripartite structure where the inciting incident leads to the climax of the disruption until the resolution that leads to the new equilibrium is reached.

Propp Character types and function – Every story includes stock characters that play a role that is described as a stock function because the actions and aims of certain stock characters are generally the same across different stories He also states that stories have set narrative structures that include:


Levi-Strauss states that stories are about binary oppositions (good vs. evil, old vs. young, etc.)

Seymour Chatman states that stories are composed of two parts – Kernels, the main parts that if taken out would not work and Satellites, the less important parts of the story that are used for embellishment, but they can be taken out of the story without effecting it.

Narrative Theory:

  • Narrative is to do with time and how you use it.
  • Aristotle says we have a beginning, a middle and an end.
  • Time could be linear, non-linear, sequential or non-sequential.
  • Narratives are organised around a particular theme and space and are based in an idea of time.
  • Within a music video there is generally a type of theme that connects the images and clips together.
  • There is a distinction between narrative, story and plot.
  • Bulgarian structuralist theorist Tztevan Todorov.
  • Says beginning, middle and end can be classed as equilibrium, disruption and new equilibrium.
  • Exposition, climax and denouement.
  • What his the high point of drama within the music video?
  • Art cannot be wrong.
  • Vladimir Propp.
  • Stock characters, heroes and villains.
  • Stock characters perform stock functions.
  • The six stages of a story.
  • Claude Levi-Strauss.
  • Binary Oppositions.
  • We never know what is, we only know what isn’t.
  • Concepts and opposite concepts (good and bad).
  • Seymour Chatman.
  • Kernels: key moments in the plot/narrative structure.
  • Satellites; embellishments, developments, aesthetics.
  • Rules and strategies.
  • My own music video ideas:
  • different scenes chopping in and out in a flashback sort of style that runs along side the main story.
  • Two girls, both in early teens and perhaps sisters.







TIME – The progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.

SPACE – An area or expanse which is available and unoccupied.

THEME – The subject of a talk, piece of writing, exhibition

SEQUENTIAL – Forming or following in a logical order or sequence.

LINEAR – Progressing from one stage to another in a single series of steps

NARRATIVE – A spoken or written account of connected events (overall, story = specific, plot = detailed)




Analysing Narrative - SAGE Research Methods

The theory that narratives moved forward in a chronological order with one action following after another. In other words, they have a clear beginning, middle and end. Todorov also suggested that the characters in the narrative would be changed in some way through the course of the story and that this would be evident by the resolution.



Freytag's Pyramid: Definition, Examples, and How to Use this ...

A paradigm (pattern) of dramatic structure outlining the seven key steps in successful storytelling: exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, and denouement.



The theory that stories are character driven and that plots develop from the decisions and actions of characters and how they function in a story.



Man or Woman Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

The theory that the majority of narratives in media forms such as books and film contain opposing main characters.



Example of kernel and satellites. In this example, nodes with ...

Kernels are the essential parts of a story, which cannot be changed without the identity of story being changed as well.

Satellites are part of story that can be changed while the story remains identifiable.


Narrative notes

Media forms = various types of language

Narrative links with time/space & how you organize it

Time can be linear, non-linear & sequential — chronological

Theme is also important & how you represent it in your video

Narrative = overall structure

Story = theme/idea

Plot = how you perceive these aspects

Tripartite narrative structure = stories can be broken down into beginning, middle & end. Equilibrium, disruption & new equilibrium.

Exposition – inticing incident


Denouement – resolution

Vladimir Propp (character types and function) – stories use STOCK characters. Characters function to provide narrative structure:








False hero


Claude Levi-Strauss (Binary oppositions)

Seymour Chatman: Satellites & Kernels

Kernels:key moments in the plot / narrative structure

Satellites:embellishments, developments, aesthetics

I think I am going to use a non-linear structure in my video

Narrative Theory


Time – in moving image products time is linear (has a set time unlike print).

Sequential – the narrative has a set order and is chronologically.

Theme – almost all videos have a theme in them so they fit into a genre.

Narrative – the overall structure.

Story – things, ideas etc.

Plot – how the story is organised.

Key Theorists

Todorov – Tripartite Narrative Structure – beginning/middle/end. It has an equilibrium (beginning) then disruption (middle) then a new equilibrium (end).

Freytag – Freytag’s Pyramid – exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, and denouement.

Propp – Stock characters – that perform stock functions – hero, helper, princess, villain, victim, dispatcher, father, false and hero.

Claude Levi -Strauss – Binary Oppositions – e.g. good vs bad, rich vs poor, educated vs stupid, old vs young.

Seymour Chatman – Satellites and Kernels – kernels are moments elements that are essential to the narrative development. Satellites are moments that could be removed and the overall logic would not be disturbed. Think about the way satellites orbit something bigger like a planet. Satellites can therefore be thought as useful to develop character, emotion, location, time and so on, but NOT ESSENTIAL. In this way they are really useful creative elements but not essential to the story.

What is racism and how to black lives matter begin in 2020?

What is Racism?

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalised

How did black lives matter and the 2020 riots and protests begin?

The Obama Foundation didn't tweet an image of George Floyd eight ...

On may 25th 2020 a black man (George Floyd 46) was murdered by Minneapolis police. The police officer (Derek Chauvin) knelt on Floyd’s neck for 9 minutes with the last 3 minutes Floyd showed no movement or pulse. Floyd was arrested for allegedly using a counterfeit bill and was later pinned to the ground face down, handcuffed and with Chauvin’s knee on his neck cutting off his airway. Floyd screamed multiple times “I can’t breathe” which became a strong quote for the black lives matter movement. This event killed Floyd and started riots and peaceful protests across the world. The black lives matter movement became the largest civil rights movement ever.

Iconic image of peaceful Protests. These show people of all race, ethnicity and religion coming together to end racism.

Hundreds turn out for peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in ...
Black Lives Matter London protests: Scuffles with police mar ...

Iconic image of police brutality. These images show excessive force used by police for those protesting for equality and the end of police brutality and racial profiling.

French police investigated over death of man due to broken larynx ...
EU silent on French police brutality

Riots- Some protestors have taken these protests so far that it had led to destruction of buildings, homes and business’ as well as destruction of war monuments and statues of racists.

Baltimore Protests and Riots, 2015 •
Black Lives Matter Protests Created Spike in Corona Cases - Live ...
Columbus Statue Vandalized With Black Lives Matter Graffiti
BLM rioters attack statue of Polish-American hero Tadeusz ...
Bristol Black Lives Matter protest organisers say slave trader ...

Narrative Theory

Narrative is linear, chronological and sequential about an organisation of space with an underlying theme. (isolation) (Moves through the set in order)

Narrative rules:

Todorov (tripartite narrative structure) Begin middle end (equilibrium disruption new equilibrium)

Frytags pyramid incident climax resolution (need climax) (long entrance sequence through tunnel)

Vladimir Propp stock characters perform stock actions

Claude Levi Strauss Binary oppositions

Seymour Chatman Satellites (main parts of the story that are essential) and kernels (always around the kernel and are helpful to the story but are not essential)


Narrative: overall structure

Story: the actions and things in the meida

Plot: the order and how the story is formatted and told

notes about narrative theory/planning

My narrative is overcoming isolation

narratives are organised around a particular theme and space and are based in an idea of time.

-Many narratives linear and sequential in that they start at 0 and run for a set length

a whole is what has a beginning middle and end” – Aristotle poetics

-Its ok to alter, subvert the rules of narrative with a good reason.

Tztevan Todorov came up with (tripartite narrative structure)

  • equilibrium
  • disruption
  • new equilibrium

(in other words beginning, middle, end)

Freytag – freyetags pyramid is important for narrative and is another way of showing narrative structure

Understanding Freytag's Pyramid for Content Marketing

by observing these theories I would say my disruption or change that I would like to put in the bridge of the song showing coronas affects.

vladimir prropp- (character types and functions)

characters functions privide narrative structure

  • eg hero
  • helper
  • villain
  • false hero
  • victim
  • father
  • etc

Claude Levi-strauss (binary oppositions)

you can understand narrative structure if you understand binary oppositions

“we never know what we are but only what we are not”

concept or opposite concept

  • eg good vs bad
  • female vs male
  • gay vs straight
  • poor vs rich

Seymour chatman ( satellites & kernels )

Kernels : key moments in the plot /narrative structure

Satellites : embellishments developments aesthetics

break down a narrative into. 2 distinct elements those elements which are absolutely essential to the story/plot/narrative development, which are known as KERNELS and those moments that could be removed and the SATELLITES

SEYMOUR CHATMAN rephrased and elaborated on ROLAND BARTHES narratives theory and made it more simple and put it in English sing barthes notes were in french

what is narrative structure? = narrative is the overall structure. Story, the things, the themes. The plot is how you organise all of that.