Feminist Critical Thinking

  • Representation in terms of female and looking through the lens of FCT
  • Happens at a textual level (films, people etc) and structural level, about society’s groups, companies, communities etc
  • Where will people be placed in different situations, radical and reactionary, it’s also about the decisions being made
  • Tori Moi’s (1987) – Distinguished between Feminist, Female and Feminine
  • Laura Mulvery – wrote an essay on visual pleasure and narrative in 1975. Visual pleasure, signs of visual pleasure, ‘woman as image, man as bearer of the look’ ‘pleasure in looking has been split between active/male passive/female’
  • Structured around a male ideology. Women are looked at and displayed. Connecting Lacan’s theory/stage to the media
  • Scopophilia – Natural pleasure in looking
  • Voyeurism – Sexual pleasure gained in looking
  • Fetishism – Cutting out a certain part, looking at certain parts
  • Jacques Lacan – There’s a moment in child development when they recognise/understand they’re a person, a moment of consciousness. ‘Mirror stage of development’
  • Representation of females in real life is portrayed through other things as well such as games, films, music videos
  • ‘boys are boys’ and ‘girls are girls’ problematic issues could arise from this as not everyone is the same and ideology has changed over time
  • Jhally comments on how music video clips create a dreamworld based around a range of predictable codes/conventions
  • Women are objectified a lot in everything in today’s society
  • Raunch culture: Ariel Levy thinks Raunch culture is ‘ a product of the unresolved feminist sex wars he conflict between the women’s movement and the sexual revolution‘ (2006:74).
  • ‘Raunch culture is the sexualised performance of women in the media that can play into male stereotypes of women as highly sexually available, where its performers believe they are powerful owners of their own sexaulity’ Hendry & Stephenson (2018:50)
  • Intersectionality – The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.
  • Judith Butler – Suggests that we have multiple identities that are performed to different people, in different settings
  • Bell Hook – Multicultural Intersectionality, cultural criticism and transformation. Advocates media literacy, the need to engage with popular culture to understand class struggle, domination, renegotiation and revolution. Put another, encouraging us all to ‘think critically’ to ‘change our lives’.

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