feminist critical thinking

  • religion prevents acceptance of sexuality
  • representation – females
  • lens of feminist critical thinking
  • happens in s structural level (companies, organisations ect)
  • also happens at a textual level (individual images, film ect.)
  • radical and reactionary, draw on different ideas
    • toril moi said:
    • Feminist = a political position
    • Female = a matter of biology
    • Feminine = a set of culturally defined characteristics
    • power of image
  • laura maulvey – visual pleasure & narrative cinema
  • movement can re enforce gender stereotypes
  • signs communicate objectification of women
  • the male gaze, the signs of visual pleasure
  • ‘woman as image, man as bearer of the look,’ 
  • imbalanced power, we can see through narrative cinema
  • “pleasure in looking has been split between active/male passive/female.”
  • constructs a male fantasy – no truth in female representation, they are coded for strong visual & erotic impact
  • scopophilia – pleasure in looking
  • frioden psychology: looking is voyeurism – the sexual pleasure gained in looking
  • fetishism – cutting out certain parts to draw focus to something
  • She draws from Jacques Lacan: child development – when a child understands they are a person, a moment of consciousness
  • when a person looks in a mirror & sees themselves & understand it is them (mirror stage)
  • this connects to the media in which we see ourselves in characters
  • what we see is only a reflection, a mirror image
  • ‘a complex process of likeness and difference‘
    • Sut Jhally – music videos has unlimited sexualisation, convents of pornography
    • masculinity and femininity are constructions
    • women representation is related to domestic abuse
    • accepting normative values is problematic
    • deconstruction of music video can reveal sexism, racism ect.
    • over exploitive representation of female
  • first wave of feminism – suffragettes
  • second wave of feminism – 60s & 70s, society is made around male desire
  • third wave of feminism – women who are younger who believes in plurality, more alert, and can use power for good
  • fourth wave of feminism – defined by technology
  • raunch culture – ariel levy
  • see sexuality as a movement of power
  • performers believe they are powerful owners of their sexuality
  • they can use their body in a way of liberation – empowering themselves, their gender etc
    • intersectionality: queer theory
    • not essentialist or reductionist, a pluralistic approach
    • judith butler – perform – acting, performative- produces a seis of effects
    • gender is socially constructed
    • prioritise your individual agency
    • bell hooks – politics of difference

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