narrative theory

narrative in moving imagery products are hooked around Time

Moving image uses linear and is chronological.

they normally have a theme with mine being random clips representing isolating showing the change in a person not sequential.

Structuralism -rules roles and convention.

Propp had the ides if stock characters performing stock functions – eg villain victim and hero

Claude Levi-strauss – narratives are structured around binary oppositions.

Seymour chatman- Kernels: key moments in the plot/ narrative structure satellites: embellishments, developments, aesthetics.

Narrative rules-

Todorov – tripartite narrative structure ; 3 part narrative structure; beginning middle and end

  • equilibrium – represente
  • disruption- conflict/ drama for interest
  • new equilibrium-

Ideas: climax returning to the place where the actor ones was alone -reflecting isolation and a change some sort of fight causing this. theme of relationships and isolation. Difference between before becoming isolated and after. Happiness comes with others, revisit same places.

narrative – over all structure

story – themes and things included the narrative of a work, whether of fictional or nonfictional basis. The narrative threads experienced by each character or set of characters in a work of fiction. The storyline method of teaching.

plot- how you organise it the main events of a play, novel, film, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.

my narrative is – focusing on a main character showing various\ Montage of happy time in her life showing joy and then interjecting with clips on her own.

Barthes- Barthes‘ Semiotic Theory broke down the process of reading signs and focused on their interpretation by different cultures or societies. According to Barthes, signs had both a signifier, being the physical form of the sign as we perceive it through our senses and the signified, or meaning that is interpreted.

  • Proairetic code- action, movement, causation
  • hermeneutic code- reflection, dialogue,character, thematic development.
  • Enigma code the way in which intrigue and ideas are raised- which encourage an audience to want moreinformation.


  • Elision And Ellipsis- when you drop things out.
  • flash forwards – flash-backwards: moments which break the line sequences.
  • foreshadowing- rises the concept to he audiences giving them some information.
  • dramatic irony- when the audience knows something the characters don’t.
  • parallel- when to story lines interrupt.
  • light and shade- varied intensity. moment of more light hearted moments.
  • non-sequitars- a storyline which goes nowhere.

Narrative Notes

Time – how is it going to be organised? beginning, middle and end? linear, non-linear, sequential, circular, chronologically?

Space- how will each scene/setting fade into the next?

Theme – what is the theme of the video?

Narrative – this is the overall structure

Story – this is the overall theme

Plot – how you sequence everything

Equilibrium – wakes up , disruption – imagining doing things (parties etc), new equilibrium – wakes up again

Vladimir prop (character types and functions)- stock characters. hero, damsel in distress, princess etc. The stock characters have stock functions

Claude Levi-Strauss (binary oppositions) – one thing that connects groups connect people as they tell similar stories – about binary oppositions

Seymour Chapman (satellites and kernels) – kernels – if you remove something from a story it will not work (removing a main character or setting) – Satellites – if you remove/change something in a story it will not make a massive difference (changing the colour of a car)