Narrative Theory:

  • Narrative is to do with time and how you use it.
  • Aristotle says we have a beginning, a middle and an end.
  • Time could be linear, non-linear, sequential or non-sequential.
  • Narratives are organised around a particular theme and space and are based in an idea of time.
  • Within a music video there is generally a type of theme that connects the images and clips together.
  • There is a distinction between narrative, story and plot.
  • Bulgarian structuralist theorist Tztevan Todorov.
  • Says beginning, middle and end can be classed as equilibrium, disruption and new equilibrium.
  • Exposition, climax and denouement.
  • What his the high point of drama within the music video?
  • Art cannot be wrong.
  • Vladimir Propp.
  • Stock characters, heroes and villains.
  • Stock characters perform stock functions.
  • The six stages of a story.
  • Claude Levi-Strauss.
  • Binary Oppositions.
  • We never know what is, we only know what isn’t.
  • Concepts and opposite concepts (good and bad).
  • Seymour Chatman.
  • Kernels: key moments in the plot/narrative structure.
  • Satellites; embellishments, developments, aesthetics.
  • Rules and strategies.
  • My own music video ideas:
  • different scenes chopping in and out in a flashback sort of style that runs along side the main story.
  • Two girls, both in early teens and perhaps sisters.

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