Narrative Theory – Music Video/Memento


  • Chronological and Liner, sequential  LINEAR and SEQUENTIAL, (My video will follow this conventions and be in order from start to end).
  • About an organisation of space and connection
  • Have a theme (Isolation, joy in music – opposite – crowds and misery)
  • Need to explain why – subvert


  • Todrov – theory tripartite narrative structure (beginning – equilibrium, middle – disruption/conflict , end – new equilibrium). (High point of drama – group coming together/think about, incising incident?)
  • Setting before action – communicate equilibrium
  • Fretag – dramatic art, Fritages Pyramid – visual diagram of your drama
  • Propp – Character types and functions – stock characters preform stock roles that can be divided up – villain/victim
  • Turner – developed for Trodov
  • Levi-Strauss – binary opposites. People have role and do certain things (stock characters) similarities/all the same. Stories provide, messages/communications. – Only know it is not – ‘Theory of the other’.
  • Seymour Capman – satellites and kernels. Stories broken into 2 parts – C’s main things (characters etc) Satellites orbit around, not essential but helpful. – Essential and disposable.
  • Need multiple people+settings (3:3)
  • Narrative is the overall structure (Isolation, music brings happiness etc)
  • Story things in it/themes (isolation)
  • Plot – how you are organising it
  • Proairetic code: action, movement, causation
  • Hermenuetic code: reflection, dialogue, character or thematic development
  • Enigma Code (RB) = if somethings enigmatic it is confusing, strange, intriguing . Ask questions, creates puzzles. – Engage a audience to fill in the gaps – creates an active audience – Lenny talks about an enigma code – pleasure of a book – not knowing what will happen.
  • Elision and Ellipses – to cut things out – shorter time
  • Flashback and Flash forwards – most films time and sequences
  • Foreshadow
  • Dramatic Irony
  • Jokes and Comedy
  • Light and Shade
  • Non Sequitars – lose endings, ceased plots

MEMENTO – parallels between structure and memory

  • flash forward – backwards slow motion -photo developing-shooting
  • meeting man – entering building -shooting man
  • back and forth – from hotel room to shooting- more detail every time
  • Memory issues – short term memory
  • Timeline distorted like memory – backwards
  • Trying to remember – order of film – filling in blanks
  • Relies on photos and notes to remember
  • Writing all over body
  • Seeking revenge
  • All actions meaningful despite not remembered/in the right order.
  • This is not in liner order as it is depicted in the same way his memory is distorted such as repetition and added information.
  • Memory unreliable – notes and facts
  • Susceptible to mistakes and confusion – memory is subjective/unreliable

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