structuralism: most interested in those things that narrative have in common.
Time: is generally linear.
Chronology: it is sequential.(video mostly random)
Space: different spaces being connected.
Narratives have an underlying or an underpinning theme. ( isolation by the beach)
Rules to narrative:
Tzetvan Todorov: Equilibrium, disruption, new equilibrium, (Tripartite narrative structure):e.g. beginning middle and end.
Freytag’s pyramid: visual illustration of your drama. Exposition, climax!, denouement.
Vladimir Propp: (stock characters who perform stock functions) For example, if you have a villain you probably have a victim.
Claude Levi-Strauss: Binary oppositions: This is where you understand narrative structure e.g. good vs bad.
Seymour Chatman: satellites and kernels: kernels are the main things in the story. Satellites orbit round they are not essential but they are helpful.
Narrative: is the overall structure
Story: is the things and themes
Plot: how things are arranged