Narrative Notes

Narratives are about time and spacing, usually linear with chronological sequences, with a beginning middle and end – but it is open to switching up

Often organised and focused around a main theme

The setting of characters and events becomes a story, and the combination of that in order of that creates a plot


Tztevan Todorov – Tripartite narrative structure (equilibrium, disruption, new equilibrium/Exposition, Climax, Denouement – 3 part structure, begin middle end) – skate focus – bored, learning, find passion

Claude Levi-Strauss – Binary oppositions (good bad, rich poor, old young – understand what something is by realising what it is not) – Bored to entertained

Vladimir Propp – Character types and functions (similar roles in all films and story’s – hero/villain) main character, fulfilling some sort of dream

Seymour Chatman – Satellites and Kernels (Narrator structured around main elements of story (kernel) and small features of less importance (Satellite)) – need to include skateboard but certain shots aren’t needed

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