• Time 
  • Space 
  • Theme 
  • Linear– start at the beginning and move forward
  • Sequential– part of a sequence 

Stories have a beginning middle and end 

Video has to have storyline and beginning and the middle and the end 

 TZTEVAN TODOROV – 3 part structure – Tripartite narrative structure 

  • Equlilbrium
  • Disruption
  • New Equlilbrium 

Not boring 

Starting incident climax resoloution new equlilbrium 


Exposition climax and denoument

Claude Levi-Strauss (Binary Oppositions)

This theory suggests that NARRATIVES (=myths) are STRUCTURED around BINARY OPPOSITIONS eg: good v evil c

creates narrative as a structure of key (oppositional) themes that underpin action and dialogue to develop a set of messages that the audience are able to decode and understand.

Vladimir Propp (Character Types and Function)

suggests that stories use STOCK CHARACTERS to structure stories.

  1. Hero
  2. Helper
  3. Princess
  4. Villain
  5. Victim
  6. Dispatcher
  7. Father
  8. False Hero

Spheres of Action

Turner ‘these are not separate characters, since one character can occupy a number of roles or ‘spheres of action’ as Propp calls them and one role may be played by a number of different characters’

Tztevan Todorov (Tripartite narrative structure): 


  • Equilibrium 
  • Disruption 
  • New equilibrium 
  • the stage of equilibrium 
  • the conflict that disrupts this initial equilibrium 
  • the way / ways in which the disruption looks to find new equilibrium 
  • the denouement and/or resolution that brings about a new equilibrium 

This structural approach could also be referenced to Freytag’s Pyramid exposition, inciting incident, rising actionclimaxfalling action, resolution, and denouement as illustrated below. 

Roland Barthes: Proairetic and Hermenuetic Codes; 

  • Proairetic code: action, movement, causation 
  • Hermenuetic code: reflection, dialogue, character or thematic development 

moving image products are either based around ‘doing’ / ‘action’ or ‘talking’ / ‘reflection’. 

FLASH BACK – common tool used in moving images. About time jumping ahead and back

enigma code – puzzle something to resolve

light , shade in terms of creativity

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