post modernism definitions

  • Pastiche – Artistic work that imitates the work of a previous art work/ media text.
  • Bricolage – the creation of something new through from a diverse media texts.
  • Intertextuality – the meaning of a text being shaped by an other text
  • Implosion– The collapse of a system/ the collapse of a message in a text.
  • Cultural appropriation– the adoption of minority groups culture and used in dominant culture
  • Parody– work that that imitates other work with ridicule or irony.
  • Metanarrative– overarching ideas, attitudes, values and beliefs that have held us together in a shared belief.
  • Hyperreality– a world based on simulation, making it difficult to distinguish reality from a simulation.
  • Simulacrum – simulations are more real that the actual reality.
  • Conumerist Society– a society in which consuming is the main objective.
  • Fragmentary Identities– is that we construct multiple identities for different platforms.
  • Reflexivity – the evaluation of our own beliefs and opinions.

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