I like the homemade feel of this video and the minimalism used of something so simple as her skating being the video but fits well with the song to tell the audience what the songs about.
I like the filter used for the video and light colour palette and home feel the video has almost VHS vibes
This video is another example of a kind of vlog/home film music video by not giving to much of a narrative but just having fun
(Here’s the link to take you to the video on youtube because the blog sometimes says the videos unavailable for some reason) ↓
The peach pit video has the perfect idea for representing headphones for the company, and gave me the idea to do a spin on the initial idea I had for the video, by changing the tone, to show the bits of lockdown that arn’t so bad. I think by doing this, it will make it stand out more to other students work. This means I’m going to need to find a more upbeat un-copyrighted sound track. I think going forward I could ask my friends to participate by filming themselves little vlogs or them doing activities that keep them happy in lockdown, whilst also show casing the headphones in snips of the video.
The peach pit video gave me the idea to give the music video more of a homemade feel, by not giving it a serious tone but more fun and goofy look to the video I can link it to a previous CSP’s like the maybelline “BOSS advert”. It shows that videos that are slightly more goofy, and fun can be more memorable and therefor can help sell the headphones better.
showing a music video of isolation in a pandemic with the main points showing not people being defeated and anxious at this time but how there stay remarkably strong and pulling together and even helping one another get through this. so showing how we are all doing the best that we can in a time where, the best thing they can do is stay at home is different, and I think its a positive, and good approach to show how the youth are coping at this time.
I can make the main idea for the video being. Yes, we are in isolation and, yes we can’t meet as easily as we used to. But we can still be connected and show the brighter sides from all of this. So our whole isolation situation won’t be only seen in a negative light, but how our youth used the internet and other activities to stay sane and make the most out of quarantine. By showing the positive points and showing that people adapted and are trying their best in this situation the video can be more relatable to the viewers. And also by showing people taking a breather from this chaotic time with little things that help them and keep them happy in my music video it can give a sense of calm and make people smile. maybe the message I can convey and highlight are how amazing teens and younger people are doing and coping with this pandemic.
Also by making a video with a more home made feel, it can make filming and editing a lot easier because me and my friends won’t need to stage so much of the shots or need amazing lighting or great acting skills. it gives me the ability to be more creative and have more fun with the video by taking this approach .