Due to the lockdown measures, I am having to do all my photos around my house and use my family members/pets as characters. I have also used images from the summer holidays a few years ago for the “Utopia” part of the music video.

When lockdown is eased and it’s more safer to go outside, I am hoping to have scenes of deserted streets in Jersey, then the protagonist puts on a pair of headphones and is transported to a Utopia, the World back to normal after Coronavirus, where they are able to meet up with friends and it’s summer, with loads of festivals and sitting on the beach with friends.

However, I will have scenes where the protagonist has their headphones off and are in reality, doing things in lockdown (baking, working, clap for carers, relaxing, etc). The headphones are going to be a symbol of what the future should look like. This is because the song I have chosen is called ”Hope”, which is about finding hope in dark times and Coronavirus can be seen as a dark time because of lockdown measures and how there is a killer virus spreading around and life has been changed drastically to prevent the spread of the killer virus.