
COLONIALISM – The policy of a country/ nation attempting to retain or extend its current authority over other territories or people – Usually for economic terms.

POST COLONIALISM – The political/ Cultural condition of a previous colony, the lasting impact of colonization in former colonies.

DIASPORA – The spread or dispersion of any people from their original homeland.

BAME – Black, Asian, and minority ethnic (used to refer to members of non-white communities in the UK). (Even though many have been a part of UK culture since Roman times)

DOUBLE CONSCIOUSNESS – Looking at ones self through the eyes of others – An identity which is divided into several parts. (2nd Video) Or similarly someone cane be ‘Black British’ or ‘Black American’ – Dual identity.

CULTURAL ABSOLUTISM – The assumption that one persons (e.g ones own) cultural norms and values take precedence over others. e.g the ideals of Nazi Germany.

CULTURAL SYNCRETISM – When distinct aspects of different cultures blend together to make something new and unique. Since culture is a wide category, this blending can come in the form of religious practices, architecture, philosophy, recreation, and even food.

ORIENTALISM (SAID) – The acceptance in the West of “the basic distinction between East and West as the starting point for elaborate theories.

APPROPRIATION – Taking a theory, idea, object or even culture and giving it a meaning different from its original. e.g “Honoring” other cultures through stereotypical depictions of them.

CULTURAL HEGEMONY – Refers to domination or rule maintained through ideological or cultural means. It is usually achieved through social institutions, which allow those in power to strongly influence the values, norms, ideas, expectations, worldview, and behavior of the rest of society. E.g Governments/ Royalty

Hybridisation – (mechanism for understanding cross-cultural identities)

THE PUBLIC SPHERE (HABERMAS) – society can globally communicate via the media and share opinions rather than being completely controlled by those higher up such as royalty or the government.

THE ROLE OF PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTING IN TERMS OF FAIR REPRESENTATION OF MINORITY GROUPS / INTERESTS –  The BBC’s own research indicates that it is failing to attract ethnic minority audiences (BBC Service Review 2012). Theorists such as Hall have suggested the problem is the media construction of “race” as an issue and its definitions. PBS’s such as the BBC lack representation of minority groups, although claiming they do represent ethnic groups fairly, there is a clear difference between those ‘dominant’ ethnic groups and those who may be considered as a ‘minority’ group.

Notes –

Cultural Absolutism can expressed in Commons letter to the free music video and the lyrics ‘We ain’t seen as human beings with feelings, will the US ever be us? Lord Willing!’ which can also be linked to the theory of Double consciousness.

Theorists –

Edward Said – Orientalism is a 1978 book by  Edward W. Said, in which the author developed the idea of “Orientalism” to define the West’s historically patronizing representations of “The East”.

WE.B. Du Bois – Coined the term Double Consciousness.

Paul Gilroy – (Key Course Theorist) Gilroy’s 1993 book The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness, Gilroy’s theme of Double Consciousness involves Black Atlantic striving to be both European and Black through their relationship to the land of their birth and their ethnic political constituency being absolutely transformed.

Lenny Henry – Guardian article.

I still think that these right need to be fought for, as even though the BBC director, Tony Hall, may have started a ‘fund’ in order to train those who want to be a part of this career/ life, It may not be training they need but jobs. Although representation of different cultures and races has improved through the years, the BBC still has quite a long way to go.

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